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In many Christian communities, followers often hear from their religious leaders that hardships are a "test of faith from God", suggesting that enduring these challenges leads to blessings. This perspective prompts questions about the characteristics of an omnipresent, all-knowing deity. If the Christian God possesses such omniscience, why is there a need to test devotees through suffering? Can't He inherently understand their loyalty and emotions?

Contrasting with this, Satan does not test one's faith; instead, he possesses an intrinsic understanding of an individual's heart, feelings, and intentions. Satan neither condones nor forces submission to suffering, misery, or oppression. Instead, he is a God of liberation who can help free you from the limiting belief in sin and accept you just as you are.

Satan evaluates your feelings towards him, but your life belongs to you to do with as you see fit. There are no tests of faith, and he always knows exactly what is in your heart, whether you choose to truly believe in him or not. Your life is yours to live, and Satan will support you in making the best choices for yourself.

Hail Satan!

Photo by Alex Iby on Unsplash

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