The Deal is the formal condition to be accepted into Real Satanism. After this step it is necessary to continue the commitment assumed so that your evolutionary process is not interrupted. Basically, what should be done after making your Deal is:
Pray your daily prayers with the understanding that each prayer opens a portal with a higher demon and that this is your daily encounter with Satan. Don't just do it out of obligation, do it because you want to and understand that you need to.
Learn Satan's teachings and apply them in your life so that the changes around you and in your evolution can be practical and not just theoretical.
Understand that after making the Deal you are a true Satanist, a representative of Satan on earth. Your attitudes and behavior towards people directly reflect on the other members and on Satan himself. Live in a way to be respected because respect, as well as trust, is won or lost according to the way we are seen by people.
Always seek to change what is within your reach, seek opportunities for growth and evolution in your life, give Satan alternatives to act in your favor, don't just pray and wait for things to happen by themselves.
Do what you can to help the work of Satan and for the growth of Real Satanism. The bigger and stronger our brotherhood becomes, the stronger and more protected you will be.
Honor, accept and understand Satan as the God he is, a creator of the same greatness and power as the Christian God.
Do not mix the rituals of Real Satanism with practices contrary to what we teach, avoiding especially those involving blood, animal sacrifices and spiritual entities.
Apply the "Ten Commandments of Real Satanism" as much as you can in your life.

Photo by Linus Sandvide on Unsplash