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Real Satanism defies the common misconceptions associated with the notion of Satan worship. Agnes Farias, hailing from Minas Gerais, Brazil, stands as the driving force behind the Temple of Love to Satan, situated in Juiz de Fora. Leading as the high priest, Agnes has authored three notable works, namely "The Practice of Real Satanism," "Lilith in Real Satanism," and "Satanic Thoughts," all of which play a crucial role in propagating the teachings of Satan through various digital platforms and everyday life.

Through a presence on two YouTube channels, Agnes has garnered an impressive viewership exceeding 3.5 million, using the platform to advocate concepts like "self-awareness," "self-love," "sexual freedom," as well as endorsing principles such as "respect for children and animals." It's important to note that the content he shares unequivocally opposes the employment of bloodshed or sacrifice in any ritualistic practices associated with satanic worship.

The official Real Satanism website supplements these teachings with inclusive prayers while promoting the significance of individuality and the journey towards personal and spiritual advancement. The inception of Real Satanism dates back to 2011, when Agnes and his wife Delcia established the organization after an extensive preparation period of 33 years.

"Real Satanism stands as a distinct and self-reliant journey, boasting its own unique doctrine and philosophy that stands apart from all others. As the High Priest of Real Satanism, I can personally affirm that we regard Satan as a deity of comparable grandeur and significance to the God of Christianity, differing primarily in personality and the manner in which they engage with their followers. Our reverence for Satan is that of a genuine deity, and one of our primary aims is to unveil Satan's true essence, dismantling the misconceptions and facile notions imposed by Christian cultural influences.

This alternative path is extended to those who hold belief and the desire to follow, and it can also be perceived as a life philosophy. The teachings of Real Satanism, many of which have universal applicability, transcend one's adherence to Satan. Our realm encompasses distinctive rituals, prayers, and acts of worship, and operates as an exclusive brotherhood, admitting new members only after meticulous evaluation to ensure alignment with our core doctrine.

Our community places paramount emphasis on spiritual growth, with material progress emanating from advances in spiritual insight, earned merits, comprehensive comprehension, and dedicated endeavor. We abstain from offering superficial Deals for wealth or fame, nor do we engage in practices like "love spells," as our principles uphold the sanctity of others' free will. Satan assumes the role of a guardian, facilitating opportunities, eliminating obstacles, and offering guidance; yet, ultimately, the journey towards advancement is a solitary pursuit, for we do not carry anyone upon our shoulders.

Real Satanism is not tailored for the faint-hearted, the hesitant, the indolent, or those driven by mere curiosity. It demands unwavering dedication, resolute commitment, and an eagerness to evolve both in the realm of the spiritual and the personal. I extend an invitation to those intrigued by Real Satanism to delve into our teachings and philosophy, and to establish a connection." ― Agnes Farias, High Priest of Real Satanism.

Certain individuals, devoid of substantial critique, resort to labeling Real Satanism as a form of "self-help Satanism." However, such categorization bears no significance for us. Yet, even if we were to entertain this perspective, what would be the underlying issue? In a world riddled with challenges, inequality, suffering, as well as both material and spiritual distress, presenting a path within our doctrine that strives to enhance individuals from within, and consequently improve their life circumstances, does not appear problematic.

We impart the wisdom needed to cultivate strength and resilience, enabling individuals to navigate diverse people and situations, and to advocate for a life of dignity. True Satanists grasp the essence of our message, much as Satan conveys that he bears no responsibility for rectifying this world, as its creation is not attributed to him. His concern extends solely to his followers who inhabit it. In a similar vein, our allegiance lies exclusively with genuine Real Satanists, and we answer solely to Satan.

Curiously, detractors of Real Satanism frequently contribute nothing beyond criticism or conjecture regarding the nature of "Satanism," many stemming from unresolved personal lives. They equate "Satanism" with "egoism," just as they equate "arrogance" with "ignorance," effectively aligning themselves with the problem rather than the solution.

To embrace Real Satanism is to embrace the full potential of one's mental faculties, the mastery of oneself. It constitutes the ultimate embodiment of liberty, where constructs of good and evil do not impose limitations. We do not enforce our God through a doctrine of falsehoods that stifles independent thought, nor do we propagate tales of fear and dread, wherein wisdom involves acquiescence to repression and condemnation of pleasure as sinful acts, all in exchange for an elusive paradise and blessings that never materialize.

Within Real Satanism, freedom reigns for the soul, chains binding the spirit are shattered. It is not a tragic clash between good and evil, but rather a sagacious administration of justice, allocating to each individual their due. With confidence, we declare that Real Satanism paves the way for the strong.

Hail Satan!

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©2022 by Real Satanism.

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