Throughout the ages, the erroneous belief that Satanists engage in the gruesome killing of animals, adults, and even children has persisted and continues to influence the perceptions of many. However, it is crucial to understand that this perception is nothing more than a result of Christian alienation and manipulation, misrepresenting the true essence of serious Satanism.
In Satan's Seventh Commandment, he emphasizes the utmost importance of respecting and protecting children and animals, recognizing their innocence and purity untouched by the darkness that often shadows humanity. The notion of sacrificing innocent creatures in rituals is wholly irrational and unjustifiable, standing in direct contradiction to Satan's teachings. Unfortunately, some individuals indulge in such practices, believing that they fulfill higher demons' desires and grant them their wishes.
Let us reflect upon a fundamental question: How can the death, suffering, and agony of innocent beings attract positive energies? The truth is that shedding blood and causing harm only attracts negative energies and obscure beings from various origins.
It is also essential to draw a clear distinction between the killing of animals for consumption and the ritualistic sacrifice of animals. Real Satanism rejects the fallacious argument that since animals are killed in slaughterhouses, their sacrifice in rituals becomes acceptable. Such a justification holds no ground, as the two scenarios are fundamentally and morally distinct.
In conclusion, I reiterate that my perspective represents Real Satanism alone and does not seek to interfere in the practices of other belief systems. The utmost respect is given to the rights of others to hold their own beliefs, and in return, we expect the same respect for our Satanic branch. Outsiders attempting to dictate or instruct our practices are not welcomed. Each individual should be free to explore and embrace their own beliefs and practices, and through mutual respect, we can foster a greater understanding among diverse religious communities.
Hail Satan!