In life, everyone encounters challenges and obstacles. It's a misconception to believe that making a pact with Satan exempts you from life's tribulations. Some individuals, misled by this belief, expect immunity from difficulties and feel disillusioned when confronted with them. They question the validity of their pact or wonder if Satan has forsaken them.
Before blaming Satan, it's crucial to introspect. Reflect on whether you're fulfilling your role effectively. Are you seeking knowledge and personal development? Are you striving to change what's in your control, or merely waiting for outcomes passively, similar to those who rely solely on prayer? Avoid using a lack of effort or perseverance as a reason to hold Satan accountable for your problems. Be proactive, work diligently, and take charge of your own success. Remember, our God always presents us with opportunities to succeed; it's up to us to grab them.
I assure you, as a dedicated follower of Satan, my commitment is profound. Yet, like anyone, I face challenges. Instead of yielding to them, I overcome them, drawing strength and resilience from the support and guidance of my Father.
It's important to harness the power of Satan, but equally vital to believe in yourself, in your abilities, and in the inner strength that he enhances. Maintain firm devotion and honesty in your worship, actively support his cause, and work towards its growth every day. Have faith, persist, but also act. Give him opportunities to help you.
And remember, Satan never abandons a faithful and trustworthy child. Therefore, persevere, trust in him, and have confidence in yourself. You are a warrior!
Hail Satan!
Photo by Henry Hustava on Unsplash