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In addition to being one of the archangels assigned to safeguarding the Christian God's throne, Samael held a momentous position as the angel of death. His temperament, along with his tendency to be reclusive, instilled great fear among the other angels. Nonetheless, Samael never embraced the Christian God's governance of humanity, and he harbored deep resentment towards the impositions placed upon them.

In various beliefs, Samael is also linked to the fallen angels, as his independence and refusal to conform to the Christian God's rules make him a potential candidate to lead a rebellion. Certain texts even suggest that Samael and Lucifer were comrades, fighting together against the oppression imposed by the Christian God, with Samael assuming the leadership of the armies of the fallen in the ensuing battle.

Within Satan's realm, it is crucial to clarify that Samael is not tasked with receiving the souls of the deceased. Instead, Satan commands a legion of demons specifically assigned to this duty.

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