In the past, during my earlier years as a Christian, my pastor imparted teachings that stipulated certain periods when engaging in sexual activities was deemed inappropriate. I vividly recall an occasion when I was instructed to abstain from intercourse for an entire week, with specific days and times meticulously designated for the onset and conclusion of this restriction. This dogma always prompted me to question its validity, as I firmly believed that matters of sexual intimacy should be dictated by personal inclination rather than confined within predetermined temporal boundaries. The pastor's rather cryptic response, "mysteries of God, it's just how it is," left me dissatisfied, lacking a complete comprehension of the rationale underlying these Christian doctrines.
Upon crossing paths with my husband Agnes and delving into my spiritual explorations, I began unearthing the profound significance of sexual energy. This potent force wasn't merely harnessed by adherents of Satanism; intriguingly, it also found its place within the realm of Christianity, despite its omission from overt religious discourses. The underlying cause of this selective silence was the conventional Christian censure of sexual pursuits. However, it's worth acknowledging that it was through the vehemence of sexual energy that Satan, Lilith, Samael, and the infernal hosts managed to overthrow the so-called "perfect" paradise ordained by the Christian God. This uprising starkly revealed the imperfections camouflaged beneath the veneer of submission and subservience to an overpowering authority.
Lilith, the embodiment of strength and autonomy, adamantly refused to bow to the domineering rule of Adam. Her audacious rebellion against this subjugation bore consequences that reverberate throughout religious and mythological narratives. This underscores the immense potential of sexual energy, its capacity to incite transformation and resistance against oppressive forces. Notably, this reservoir of energy isn't exclusive to the dichotomy between Satan and the Christian God; it's an ubiquitous, animating force propelling all living beings. Yet, this innate and uncomplicated power often remains misunderstood and stigmatized due to misconceptions and a lack of appreciation for its significance. It is incumbent upon us to embrace the potency within our grasp, channeling it to our advantage and pleasure, while liberating ourselves from the shackles of societal judgment and censure.
Beyond being a universal powerhouse, sexual engagement serves as a crucial determinant of overall physical and mental well-being. Eschewing sexual activities can precipitate hormonal imbalances, engendering harm to both body and mind. Skillfully harnessed and regulated, sexual energy can prove beneficial rather than detrimental. Achieving this equilibrium necessitates a fusion of indulgence and restraint, coupled with a keen awareness of the ramifications sexual activities can wield over our physical and emotional equilibrium. To encapsulate, sexual energy isn't solely an elemental force within the cosmos; it's an integral facet of our well-being, meriting recognition, education, and careful consideration.
The perception of Satan as a deity varies across diverse belief systems, yet a shared attribute is the acknowledgment and harnessing of sexual energy. Satan is often depicted as embracing and endorsing the utilization of this potent energy, not solely for personal gain but for the betterment of those aligned with him. In contrast, the Christian God is frequently characterized as denouncing sexual expression, refraining from exploiting its potential for the advancement of its devotees. This disparity serves to underscore the core distinction between these two deities: one, authentic and forthright in its actions; the other, shrouded in deception, hiding its egoistic intentions.
If more people were to understand the true nature and teachings of Satan, it is likely that many would choose to align themselves with Satanism. The appeal of living in truth and having faith in a God that provides answers to your doubts is undeniable. However, it's imperative to acknowledge that diverse belief systems exist, and what resonates with one may not resonate with another. Furthermore, the accessibility of accurate knowledge regarding Satanism can be hindered by cultural and regional variations. Thus, a disposition of open-mindedness, respect, and tolerance should guide our interactions with disparate belief systems.
By Priestess Delcia.

Photo by Daria Litvinova on Unsplash