Lucifer held a prominent position as the first angel to assist the Christian God in his kingdom, being cherished for his exceptional beauty and favored above all other angels. Lucifer has always been a bearer of light and power.
In the past, the relationship between Satan and the Christian God was characterized by a positive and complementary nature, as they collaborated to establish the structure of our solar system. Their shared mission, assigned by a higher creator (details of whom demons have not extensively revealed), involved the creation of humanity. However, a disagreement arose between them. Satan envisioned a just and hierarchical society, empowering humans to be stronger and more independent, akin to what he ultimately developed in his own kingdom. On the other hand, the Christian God sought to create and rule over humanity solely according to his own will, displaying a tyrannical and self-centered attitude.
Unable to reconcile their opposing visions, Satan made the decision to establish his own autonomous kingdom, where he could wield full authority and make decisions independently. Lucifer questioned the Christian God's refusal to include Satan in the process, but this only fueled the Christian God's anger, leading him to command Lucifer, "Depart from me!" Accepting this command without argument, Lucifer rebelled as he left.
Consequently, one-third of the angels chose to follow Lucifer on his exodus, departing from the Christian God's kingdom to join Satan's realm. Upon their arrival, Satan transformed these angels into demons and bestowed upon Lucifer the position of first prince to rule over his kingdom and half of the Earth when the opportune time arrived, as an acknowledgment of his loyalty and for bringing the angels with him.
It is essential to acknowledge that the information provided here offers a simplified version of the events, as the reality is considerably more intricate. All the revelations were acquired through communication with demons, who have imparted their knowledge to us over many years.
Glory to Satan!