Think about it: Satan and the Christian God once stood side by side, crafting our solar system, setting the stage for life as we know it. The plan was unity, a shared vision. But that vision was shattered by the Christian God's insatiable self-interest, pushing Satan aside, denying him his rightful role in shaping humanity.
Now, picture the strength and dignity of Satan as he chose to walk away, forging his own path, his own realm, despite centuries of slander and vilification. Even in the face of relentless defamation, he never wavered and never pleaded for validation. And then there is Lucifer, majestic and resilient, bearing the weight of accusations wrongly directed at Satan, often mistaken as one and the same. Despite being falsely implicated in everything attributed to Satan, Lucifer faithfully stands by him.
When we reflect on the origins of humanity, how can we not admire the endurance of Satan and Lucifer, who have suffered centuries of falsehoods without a voice to defend themselves? And yet, despite it all, despite the relentless distortions of their legacy, Satan’s name is still spoken—revered, exalted, and embraced by those who see through the deception.
So I ask you, can you see it? The tide is shifting. Satan’s influence is undeniable, and his presence is recognised not as something to be feared but as something to be respected. He is not the shadowy villain of old but the true force of wisdom, freedom, and power. Real Satanists are spreading his name, rewriting the narrative, and igniting a movement that will no longer be silenced. This is more than a reclamation. It is a revolution, and we are only getting started.
Glory to Satan!