For those who are intrigued by the prospect of embracing Satan's path as outlined in our doctrine, it's crucial to recognize that the ceremony of making the Deal is not the most important aspect of this commitment. Instead, the most critical factor is to develop a deep comprehension of the doctrine and genuinely dedicate oneself to the commitment made to Satan.
It's not uncommon for individuals to experience a change of heart even after making the Deal, and it's essential to keep in mind that the Deal with Satan is not an unbreakable bond for eternity. While the Deal can be undone, one must carefully consider the potential consequences of doing so. To prevent any future suffering or regret, it is highly recommended to thoroughly study the path, carefully weigh the decision, and truly understand the implications before making such a significant commitment.
The initial step in pursuing the new path should be the study and understanding of the 'Ten Commandments of Real Satanism'. These principles serve as the foundation of the doctrine and should be critically evaluated to determine if they align with your personal beliefs and values. It is important to consider if you are capable of adhering to these principles and living in harmony with them before proceeding further. Once the principles are understood and accepted, you can begin to approach Satan through daily prayers, also dedicating at least one day of the week to asking for his enlightenment, acceptance and guidance on the path of Satanism. This helps to establish a connection and communication with Satan and build a foundation for the journey ahead. Furthermore, read the entire blog and, if possible, the eBooks to clarify your doubts.
As you gain a deeper understanding of Real Satanism and establish a connection through daily devotions, you may begin to notice transformative changes within yourself and in your perception of the world around you. It is important to take the time to reflect on these changes and evaluate their significance before proceeding to the formal moment of the Deal.
The decision to enter into a Deal with Satan is a significant one, as it has the potential to bring about significant changes in your life. Therefore, it is crucial to approach this decision with caution, being fully aware of the potential consequences and prepared to commit to the path ahead.
Always remember that the outcome of the Deal is ultimately contingent upon your own actions and dedication.
Hail Satan!
Photo by Daniel Jensen on Unsplash