It's crucial to emphasize that daily prayers are meant for oneself and not for Satan. We, as individuals, are the ones who need these supplications, not Satan.
During each daily prayer, a portal opens, and a demon dispatched by Satan attends to our needs. Each day's prayer is dedicated to a specific aspect of our lives, and the demon assesses that area's state of affairs to provide appropriate assistance.
This process works on the principle of vibration, where Satan evaluates our devotion, commitment, and loyalty to him based on our frequency. Hence, it is essential to disconnect from worldly distractions and engage in a daily ritual with our chosen God. Daily prayer is not an act of charity; it forms a crucial part of our spiritual practice and connection with the divine.
While rituals, candle lighting, and invocations are valuable practices, they should not replace daily prayers, which serve as the foundation of our spiritual practice. Daily prayers are sacred rituals that enable us to develop, express our wishes, give thanks, and even channel our sexual energy towards Satan, requesting it to be redirected towards our desires.
Daily prayer is a significant moment of connection with the deity who constantly watches over us. Some may find committing to daily prayer daunting, but it's essential to recognize the reciprocal nature of this commitment. If we seek ongoing protection and guidance from a God, it's only fair to offer daily devotion in return. The duration of this devotion can vary depending on individual needs, ranging from a few minutes to more extended periods.
To receive from Satan, it's imperative to offer devotion and service to him. It's a reciprocal relationship of giving and receiving. Satan is all-knowing and all-powerful, discerning the sincerity and authenticity of his followers' hearts and intentions. Therefore, approaching devotion and service with honesty and genuineness is crucial.
Glory to Satan!

Photo by Mathew Schwartz on Unsplash