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In the sphere of alternative spiritual paths, especially those leaning towards left-hand practices, a word of caution is imperative. The internet is plagued with self-proclaimed "high priests" who promote absurd practices and teachings without any sense of responsibility or foundation. Such behavior not only undermines the credibility of Satanism but also poses significant risks to the wellbeing of their followers.

The danger lies in the uncritical acceptance of these so-called experts by individuals seeking spiritual enlightenment or guidance. These followers, often unknowingly, fall prey to a mix of eclectic and incoherent teachings, attractively packaged yet devoid of substance. This scenario epitomizes the adage of "the blind leading the blind," raising the question: Who is more blind? The guide without sight or the follower without discernment?

It is essential to recognize that blindly following such individuals is a recipe for disaster. In this regard, the blind leading the blind, which of the two is blinder? Is it the blind man being led or the blind man leading?

The answer is starkly clear: the greater blindness belongs to the guide. A follower acknowledges their need for guidance, seeking assistance in their journey. In contrast, the guiding individual, blinded by ego or denial, takes on a role they are ill-suited for, driven by selfish motives and lacking in genuine insight or concern for others.

This scenario underscores the importance of vigilance against paths leading to dead ends and the hazards of following misguided leaders. Ultimately, we bear the responsibility for our choices and the paths we choose to follow. It is crucial to exercise discernment and critical thinking in our spiritual journeys. Therefore, be wary of those masquerading as guides and choose your path with care and thoughtful consideration.

Photo by Oscar Keys on Unsplash

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