The concept of the Antichrist is not just a singular, apocalyptic figure as often portrayed in Christian scriptures, but rather an embodiment of opposition to Christian doctrine and culture. This viewpoint is not exclusive to any one group of Satanists, as Satanism itself offers various paths.
From this perspective, every true Satanist is an Antichrist. This applies not only to Real Satanists, because Satanic beliefs are not monopolized by any single sect. Rather, anyone who opposes Christian culture and the figure of the Nazarene aligns with the Antichrist archetype. The belief that the biblical prophecy of a single Antichrist ruling the entire world is practically implausible. The diversity of cultures, beliefs, and societal structures around the globe makes it untenable for one individual to exert such universal control and influence. Thus, the traditional Christian concept of the Antichrist is more of a legend than a feasible reality.
The Antichrist is not a singular person but a collective term for all true opponents of the Christian God and the Nazarene. Each person who stands against these figures and their teachings can be seen as an Antichrist in their own right.