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It is acknowledged that there exists a diversity of Deals and paths that lead to Satan, and we do not claim to be the only one. However, we have crafted our own, consisting of a unique doctrine, prayers, and rituals that originate directly from Satan and his hosts. We do not adopt any external influences, and for this reason, we assert that Real Satanism is a distinct and independent branch of Satanism.

I must admit that initially, our Deal was publicly available on our website. However, over time it became apparent that many individuals were making it without a sufficient understanding of its nature or the responsibility it entailed, solely out of curiosity. It was for this reason that I decided to remove it from public access. Additionally, there were instances of individuals copying and profiting from it, leading to a chaotic situation. It was then that I came to realize that I had made the same mistake as many others, in making the Deal easily accessible without providing proper guidance or support.

Today, our Deal is offered on an individual basis. We conduct a brief interview with each potential participant to evaluate their intentions and ensure they align with our guidelines, without becoming overly bureaucratic. This is to ensure that only those who are truly committed and in line with our principles are accepted into Real Satanism.

Understanding the gravity of any genuine Deal is crucial. In our specific Deal, one formally renounces the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, who hold immense significance in Christianity. This act is unforgivable according to the Christian God, resulting in the damnation of the soul once the ceremony is finalized. If, at any point after that, you decide to return to Christianity, you must be prepared for the severe repercussions that may follow, given the vengeful nature attributed to the Christian God. Even for those who identify as atheists, the same fate applies.

We neither force nor compel anyone to stay; both Satan and ourselves respect the principle of free will. However, it's vital to consider the consequences of your choices, as aligning with Satan may incur the wrath of the Christian God and persecution from inferior demons. So without proper protection, one may find themselves facing significant challenges.

There's a widespread belief that making a Deal with a demon will bring misfortunes such as sacrifices or the death of a family member. However, It's crucial to clarify that entering our Deal won't endanger you or your family. Real Satanism abides by the 'Ten Commandments', which include respecting and safeguarding children and animals. The misconceptions about Satanists being involved in child abuse and murder need to be dispelled. But I cannot speak for other Satanist groups as I'm unfamiliar with them.

People often ask about the price of the Deal, what's expected in return, and the true cost. It's essential to understand that the commitment to the Deal itself is the price. Satan demands loyalty, devotion, and acceptance as the sole deity in your life. Fulfilling your obligations and living in accordance with his teachings is crucial as the Deal is a two-way street.

The process of making a Deal with Satan is straightforward and practical. There is no need for bloodletting, or the use of exotic ingredients. There is never complexity or inhumane or animal sacrifice in our beliefs and practices.

When considering the benefits of the Deal, they vary from person to person. Success, happiness, and material gains may come, but they are not guaranteed. The primary focus is spiritual evolution, and the rewards will come based on merit.

In Real Satanism, other practices cannot be mixed with ours, as doing so can lead to significant complications. We have a well-established doctrine with comprehensive support, and once you make a Deal, it's essential to commit fully and be open to learning and growth.

Hail Satan!

May Satan bless us today and always.


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