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In essence, the concept of suicide is deeply intertwined with the notion that our birth and death dates are predetermined before we enter the earthly realm. Taking your own life disrupts this natural cycle, raising questions about free will. While we do possess the freedom to make choices, including the choice of suicide, it's vital to acknowledge that such an act leads to profound suffering in the spiritual domain. This specific place is designed to hold those who have taken their own lives until their originally destined lifespan comes to an end.

In moments of desperation, individuals might mistakenly view suicide as an escape from suffering. Regrettably, the reality is starkly different; the spiritual realm's anguish is beyond comprehension. Those who commit suicide experience their final moments of death replayed repeatedly in their memories, enduring all the pain and torment as if trapped in an unending loop. This is just one aspect of the torment; perpetual suffering follows in its wake.

If they are a Satanist, suicide doesn't lead to an immediate encounter with Satan. Furthermore, even after transcending the loop phase, the individual cannot find solace with Satan due to their act of vulnerability. So, in this specific scenario, Satan does not alter the outcome of this method established by the Christian God, as he doesn't welcome the weak-willed or those who doubt his dominion. While some may mistakenly label suicide as an act of courage, it is, in truth, an act of feebleness, despair, and lack of faith. This path is far from an escape, and it's evident that when fear and doubt infiltrate a person's heart, faith has already departed. Faith acts as a shield against weakness, doubt, and negativity, preventing them from influencing us.

When faith wanes, doubt and weakness take root, paving the way for negative thoughts such as sadness, anxiety, and thoughts of death. These counteract the nourishment of faith, inviting dark forces and negative energies to converge upon the individual. In the eyes of malevolent beings, this is advantageous—a human life forfeited. This cycle perpetuates a vicious cycle.

The thought of someone feeling so desolate that they contemplate suicide is heartrending. However, this choice only intensifies their suffering. If you ever find yourself in such a predicament, I strongly urge reconsideration. Instead, reevaluate your life, seek a connection with your faith, and pursue professional assistance. While earthly pain is fleeting, the consequences of suicide resonate eternally.


Reincarnation is an intricate and multifaceted concept that has sparked debates and discussions throughout various spiritual and philosophical circles. While I've addressed this topic in my videos, it remains inexhaustible due to its complexity and the multitude of questions it raises. Reincarnation is an "evolutionary" process established by the Christian God, and it was another significant point of conflict between Him and Satan.

Satan reportedly disagreed with this system, which he perceived as confusing and burdensome, a perpetual cycle of life and death. In this view, souls are trapped in an endless loop: they are born, they die, and then they are reborn, constantly oscillating between progress and regression. This cycle is seen as a misfortune, with spirits wandering aimlessly in their quest for evolution. While some manage to evolve, others get lost or fail to progress.

This evolutionary system, as crafted by the Christian God, is immensely complex. Each individual has their unique life story and spiritual journey, shaping their destiny in this life and beyond. According to these beliefs, our actions or inactions today directly influence our future existence. Our next life, within this evolutionary framework, depends on our deeds in the current one. Thus, one might progress, regress, end up in limbo, or face numerous other consequences based on their earthly actions.

In contrast, Satan's approach is said to differ significantly. He allegedly offers certainty and breaks the cycle of birth and death. By aligning with Satan, one might be able to bypass reincarnation and enter his realm, escaping the Christian God's "evolutionary" process. However, it is believed that one must live in a manner deserving of this honor, aiming to be liberated and welcomed into Satan's kingdom. This alternative promises a spiritual life filled with harmony, joy, light, evolution, and finally freedom.

Satan's assurance is often quoted in these discussions: "I guarantee my kingdom to all who follow me with loyalty, love, and accept me as the only God of their life. They will not be accountable to the Christian God, as my people are guided and protected solely by me."

This marks the fundamental difference: followers of Satan do not answer to the Christian God and, therefore, are outside the reincarnation cycle unless they choose to commit suicide.

Photo by Eva Blue on Unsplash

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