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You possess the power to direct your own life, choosing what you allow in and what you reject. You aren't bound to accept anything against your will. Instead, you have the capability to modify your experiences to align with your desires. No external force can impact your happiness without your permission. By harnessing your inner strength and determination, you can overcome obstacles that comes your way. If you falter, you should rise, shake off the setback, and persist. Never waste your time blaming external factors for your misfortunes.

Unfortunately, there is a common belief that joy is always followed by sadness. This fear of happiness may deter you from enjoying the present, leaving you in anticipation of impending adversities. But why should you live this way? Life is full of ups and downs, and it's not fair to stop living a happy moment for fear of its ending. Everything passes, and it's important to make the most of every happy second to avoid future remorse.

Reflect on this: Have you ever had a splendid day, yet as it ends, you wonder, "Perhaps tomorrow will be adverse because today was just too perfect?" And then, when no misfortune befalls, the apprehension persists the subsequent evening. However, when a tough time does come around, you might think, "I anticipated this; my happiness was too brief." Such a mindset attracts negativity and diminishes the quality of your joyful times. If you're constantly concerned about impending challenges, your enjoyment is overshadowed by doubt, insecurity, and self-sabotage. This is essentially the fear of happiness—a deeply ingrained belief that you're either unworthy of or undeserving of positive experiences and joy. But what's the purpose of living in such a state?

The most profound regret often arises from the joys you deny yourself. Life is a mosaic of moments, both happy and challenging, that shape your narrative and memories. By recognizing this, you can maximize your life experience, savoring every moment. Confront adversities with confidence, knowing their impermanence. Trust in your inner strength and understand that you are mightier than any challenge thrown your way.

In this journey, remember that moments of happiness are also temporary. Relish them; feel the pleasure, and joy they bring. These moments are yours, and no one else can take them away.

Above all, remain anchored in the present, for it holds the key to a promising future. The past is history, and the future is yours to mold. Harness the potential of the present and craft a future filled with happiness, joy, and contentment. The decision lies with you.

Hail Satan!

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