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Throughout history, those who have dared to challenge the status quo and speak out against religious dogma and those who exploit the faith of others have often been met with fierce opposition. They are targeted by those who feel uncomfortable with their message, those who feel threatened by their ideas, and those who envy their courage. The more prominent and influential a person becomes, the greater the number of attacks and opposition they will face. But despite the attempts to silence them, these individuals leave behind a lasting legacy through their work, their words and actions echo through the ages and cannot be erased by their enemies. They inspire future generations to think critically, question authority and stand up for their beliefs. They are the true change makers, whose impact on the world will endure long after their adversaries have been forgotten.

In line with this, I want to clarify my own position: I don't consider myself the ultimate authority or leader in the realm of Satanic sects. I operate independently, unaffiliated with any other Satanic organizations, and I don't bend to external wills or demands. My integrity is non-negotiable, and I refuse to dilute my beliefs or teachings for material benefit. I offer my insights free of charge and have no commercial agenda. This may cause some to view me with skepticism or hostility, but I firmly stand by my principles, sharing my perspective with those who are genuinely interested in understanding Real Satanism.

It's perplexing how difficult it is for some to grasp that Real Satanism is merely one spiritual path among many. The concept seems straightforward: if my teachings don't resonate with someone, they're free to explore other spiritual avenues that better align with their convictions. Real Satanism is not about forcing our views on others; rather, it provides a framework of beliefs and practices for those who opt into it. It stands to reason that those who commit to this path should uphold its teachings and principles. We honor each individual's freedom to select their own spiritual journey, but it's crucial to be fully aware of what that choice entails.

There's no need to stack Real Satanism against other Satanic sects for comparison. Spirituality is an intensely personal venture, and it's unrealistic to expect universal agreement on matters of faith. Everyone should enjoy the freedom to pursue beliefs that genuinely resonate with their values.

In guiding others, the goal should not be to impose one's beliefs but to empower individuals to make their own informed decisions. This has always been the aim of my teachings. It's crucial to respect the choices of those who opt for a different path, recognizing each person's autonomy over their own life, body, and will.

As Real Satanism continues to adapt and gain traction, its evolution only amplifies the disquiet of its critics.

Glory to Satan!

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