You can offer your sexual energy, whether alone or with a partner, right after performing a prayer, making a wish, engaging in a ritual, or independently. This energy is believed to be incredibly potent, and when offered to Satan or Lilith, it is thought to bring about favorable outcomes.
During the offering, you should direct your attention towards Satan or Lilith and express your intention to harness and channel your sexual energy for your benefit. You must offer all the energy produced during the act, regardless of whether it's yours or your partner's. This is not divided by orgasms. Orgasm is the peak of the act, but before it, sexual energies are generated throughout the entire duration of the act.
Once the offering is complete, you can engage in your sexual practice embracing each moment naturally. You have the option to prolong pleasure and avoid a quick orgasm by utilizing the 'Tantra' method. This technique involves extending pleasure through various chosen stimuli until reaching the point of orgasm.
While some sources may teach a more elaborate approach, emphasizing concentration, imaginary symbols, and strict thought control during sex, the simpler and faster method is equally effective. Instead of complicating the act, the focus should be on enjoying the experience to the fullest and offering the generated energy with gratitude to Satan, acknowledging the pleasure and seeking his care and guidance.
Glory to Satan!

Photo by Emiliano Vittoriosi on Unsplash