As Christianity gained prominence during the Middle Ages, a new requirement emerged: the development of the imposing character of biblical Satan. The God depicted in the New Testament had evolved into a benevolent deity, making His image less effective for instilling fear and intimidation compared to the Old Testament. Consequently, religious leaders crafted this menacing figure of Satan to manipulate and control people, not just over their actions but also their thoughts.
During this era, diverse spiritual groups existed, including those already familiar with and practicing traditional pagan cults, worshipping Satan and his demons under varying names. Simultaneously, others, disenchanted with the prevailing political-religious system, chose to rebel and rediscover the 'Christian demon’ (devil) within the Bible. It would be inaccurate to generalize and depict Satanism during this time as a unified entity. It lacked organization and manifested on the fringes of society through a myriad of distinct groups, each with their own forms of Satanism. Some drew inspiration from specific paths, while the majority syncretized available beliefs and practices. Thus, engagement with ancient pagan cults, occultism, and even an inverted form of Christianity took place, where every aspect associated with the Christian demon became embraced. Without a doubt, A.D. Satanism encompassed a diverse range of expressions. However, due to its inherent lack of organization and its clandestine nature, it remained enigmatic, obscure, and controversial, largely influenced by the dominant Christian culture that had prevailed for centuries.
Regrettably, scant materials remain from that era. A notable work that warrants mention is the Black Book of Satan, from which the daily prayers we use were derived, according to Satan's own decree. For an extended period, Traditional Satanism, always practiced clandestinely without unified rituals, was regarded more as a legend or myth rather than an established religious or spiritual practice. However, the emergence of Modern Satanism, pioneered by Anton LaVey, heralded a new era, providing a distinct framework for Satanic beliefs and rituals.
Satan, renowned for his exceptional strategic prowess and profound knowledge of both the material and spiritual realms, meticulously readies himself to unveil his true magnificence and godlike nature on the fateful date of 11.11.2011. The universe, in its eternal motion, orchestrates various epochs and cosmic transformations that intertwine with one another. These encompass planetary alignments, shifts in Earth's magnetic poles, movements of black holes, the positioning of the planetary system within the galaxy, the repositioning of galaxies in relation to others, and countless other phenomena that elude our comprehension. Yet, what we can grasp is that these cosmic motions generate energies that bring forth alterations on both spiritual and material planes. The shift associated with the year 2011 signifies the opening of the final portal, facilitating easier and more unrestricted access between all spiritual planes and dimensions for all beings, including Satan himself.
Given Satan's nature as an astute strategist, as always mentioned, he has diligently prepared for this momentous occasion, capitalizing on every advantage since time immemorial across all battlefronts. In stark contrast, the Christian God, over the centuries, grew complacent, relying solely on the fact that a significant portion of the earthly realm already fell under his dominion. Meanwhile, Satan, along with his legion of demons, has carefully prepared themselves for centuries, amassing not just a single advantage but several that would favor his cause. This includes exploiting the very fabric of the universe to his benefit, biding his time for the opportune moment to act.
Furthermore, Satan dispatched demons from his realm to reincarnate on this mortal plane, taking on corporeal forms and eventually integrating into his earthly army. These demons, despite undergoing the Christian spiritual process, embraced the essence of Satan after awakening to the truth and rebelling against the tyranny and hypocrisy of the biblical God, much like Lucifer did in his exodus. Agnes Farias and Delcia Farias, were meticulously chosen to establish Real Satanism, the sect entrusted with revealing Satan in his true form—divine, exalted, powerful and magnificent.
For years, these two people underwent rigorous preparation for this unprecedented act that would not only revolutionize Satanism in its entirety but also alter the course of history itself. Real Satanism, by illuminating the understanding and awakening the pursuit of justice against the injustice inflicted upon Satan by the earthly creation, continues to flourish day by day. It ignites a fervent passion in the hearts of all devout believers who find solace and purpose in this path of enlightenment.
*CE: Christian Era
By Joao Victor - member of Real Satanism.

Photo by Malcolm Lightbody on Unsplash