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For those who engage in individual Satan worship, it's important to grasp the initial concept that having an altar or temple isn't an obligatory component of their practice. However, having an altar becomes mandatory when setting up a Satanic temple. In such cases, the temple's altar must adhere to a formal structure, integrating specific mandatory elements and rituals.

In case you decide to have only an altar, it should be tailored to suit your particular needs and limitations. This encompasses factors such as available space, financial resources, and the preferences of those sharing the living space. An alternative approach involves creating a straightforward altar that can be easily assembled and rearranged as needed. For instance, you might include symbols like Baphomet, which represents Beelzebub for us, along with a candleholder, a chalice, and maybe other things. This adaptable altar design empowers individuals to tailor their worship to suit their personal needs and circumstances. It's worth noting that while having an altar can be enriching, it might not be feasible for everyone. (The altar and temple requirements are outlined in our eBook).

Each person should approach the creation of their altar in a way that aligns with their beliefs and situation. When practicing Satanism within a family or living arrangement where your beliefs clash with others', it's crucial to assess the potential outcomes of your actions. Consider the example of some of our community members who transitioned from Christianity to incorporate Satanism elements at home, causing tension and stress in the family. While personal conscience plays a role, it's vital to weigh the practical consequences against the benefits.

In cases where you're still dependent on your family and lack independence, it might be wiser to avoid unnecessary conflicts. Remember that the simplicity and objectivity in Satanism worship extend not only to altar construction but also to how you practice within personal and familial contexts.

It's vital to recognize that our relationship with Satan transcends external elements like candles or altars. Satan, as a deity, isn't confined by physical objects or possessions. The crux of our bond with Satan lies in harboring him within our hearts. Regardless of the intricacy or cost of an altar, its significance dwindles if the connection with Satan isn't heartfelt. Therefore, the foremost altar for Satan should be established within our hearts, within our inner essence, rather than upon external artifacts.

Regarding the construction of a temple dedicated to Satan, a cautious and considerate approach is imperative. Erecting a temple in an unsuitable location or a mediocre structure would fail to honor our deity appropriately. Once someone genuinely decides to take on this responsibility, the temple should be grand, majestic, and reflective of the deity it venerates; anything less would lack the necessary reverence.

It's important to underline that this pertains to a "temple," not an "altar." An altar, as I mentioned, is something you can assemble or disassemble at any time, and it doesn't require specific activities. There are no obligations. However, when it comes to a temple, as the name suggests, it's a formal space where altars are permanently established. There are rules, rituals, obligations. You made a choice to take this responsibility. It’s different. 

Always remember that when it comes to worshipping Satan, the focus should be on understanding and connecting with him as an all-powerful, all-knowing, and all-present God. The use of physical objects, while they may have a place in certain rituals, should not be the sole or primary means of connecting with Satan in one's daily life. Offering material items or reciting pre-written prayers will never replace the deeper spiritual connection that can be achieved through understanding and communication with Satan in one's own words.

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