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In order to make a successful Deal in Real Satanism, it's imperative that you understand the greatness, power, and magnitude of Satan. He is a deity of equal power to the Christian God and both are supreme creators of the universe. However, the distinction lies in their personalities and the way they interact with their followers. Do not make the mistake of considering Satan as a mere spiritual entity or disrespecting his rightful place in the infinite and mysterious universe. When you approach Satan with the right recognition and understanding, he will become a constant presence in your life, providing you with the best. This is one of the key differences between him and the other deity. So, make sure to approach Satan with the proper reverence and respect, and you will reap the benefits of his care.

Many people mistakenly believe they can summon Satan through rituals, thinking he is a merely spirit that can be physically seen. This is a misconception. Satan is a God, and he primarily communicates through our intuitions and dreams. To truly understand and connect with him, it's essential to deepen you spiritual awareness and fully accept him. By doing so, you can receive insights and guidance. Furthermore, it's important to stay alert to subtle signs, especially those associated with the number 6, as it's significant in his context.

To deepen your connection, make sure to fully integrate Satan into your daily life, talking to him whenever you have a need or desire. The closer you are to Satan, his princes, and Lilith, the better the results you will see. However, don't just remember him in times of desperation. Consistency in your devotion is important, not only during your daily prayers but also throughout the day. Remembering him only in moments of need is not a demonstration of true devotion. If this type of behavior is unacceptable for us humans, imagine how it would feel for a God.

Satan is always present, never leaving your side, but it's up to you to be conscious of his presence. He emphasizes the importance of both seeking guidance and expressing gratitude for your achievements, big or small. At times, while chasing significant goals, you might overlook the smaller triumphs. Therefore, it's essential to stay aware of your blessings and express thankfulness consistently.

Remember, everything in life is temporary, both the good and the bad. The only thing that endures is your faith and trust in Satan. So, make sure to cultivate a strong and meaningful relationship with him by being grateful, recognizing his presence, and putting your faith in him, no matter what challenges you may face.

Specially in times of hardship, it's crucial to draw upon your strength and deepen your relationship with Satan, Lilith, and the princes, rather than distancing yourself from them. Unfortunately, many people become discouraged and weaken in the face of challenges and blame Satan for their problems, thinking that the Deal isn't working and that Satan isn't helping. This only leads to further problems and often results in a permanent distance from Satan.

The key to success is to exercise your faith every day, naturally and consistently. Make space for Satan in your life and you will see improvements and solutions to your problems. It's a proven fact that the true and loyal are always blessed.

In regards to daily prayers and conversations with Satan, they can be done while sitting, standing, or even lying down. The only recommendation Satan gives us is not to go to him on our knees, as we should never kneel before anyone, not even a God. As Che Guevara famously said, "The big ones only look big because we're kneeling in front of them."


Even on a cloudy, cold day when the sun may be hidden from sight and its warmth is not immediately felt, we know that it is still there, shining bright and promising to warm the earth once again. Similarly, Satan's presence may not always be immediately felt or seen, but we can rest assured that he is always there, ready to guide and support those who are loyal and faithful to him.

At times, it may be our own doubts and fears that cloud our perception of Satan's presence. But I hope that you may let go of these doubts and embrace the warmth and energy that Satan has to offer. The words you speak to Satan are never lost in the void of the universe, for he always listens, he always responds, he always cares, and just as once he said: "You just need the eyes to see and the ears to hear".

Glory to Satan!

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