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I understand that many visitors come to this website seeking rituals, particularly demon evocations, but they may be disappointed not to find them. I want to clarify that we practice pure Satanism and have all types of rituals, ranging from dealing with enemies to spiritual cleansing. However, we do not openly share these rituals, as they are meant exclusively for members of our brotherhood. Only those who are part of our group will have access to them.

The reason behind this discretion is that Satanic rituals and practices involving demons are serious and potentially dangerous. It is not appropriate to make them public, as they require proper understanding, training, and initiation within our group.

Some of our rituals are not even included in the eBooks, as we believe that making them widely available can lead to misuse by individuals who are not adequately prepared. We will not take responsibility for the actions of those who attempt rituals found online without proper guidance or comprehension. Engaging in such practices without the necessary knowledge and training can complicate one's life significantly.

Summoning demons, in particular, is an extremely hazardous practice for the uninitiated. I cannot be held accountable for any harm that befalls individuals who dabble in such activities out of curiosity or recklessness. My advice is to avoid attempting these rituals unless you have received proper guidance, possess knowledge, and have relevant experience. In Satanism, we treat these matters seriously, honestly, and responsibly.

It is essential to also acknowledge that not everyone who visits our space is a friend or brother in Satan. Some individuals come here with the intent of finding ways to harm us, especially by seeking our rituals for destroying enemies. And these people can only witness the results of it.

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