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Each individual undoubtedly had their own interests, needs, and objectives when deciding to join our Satanic branch. It is equally certain that each person was accepted into our ranks because of our fundamental goals of strengthening and expanding it. These shared interests should be understood and harmoniously reconciled.

Each of them arrived at Satan through a unique path and at their own pace, just as he teaches us that rivers always find their way to the sea—each following its own course and timetable, yet ultimately reaching the destination.

However, reaching this metaphorical sea does not mark the end of the journey; rather, it signifies a new beginning amidst unfamiliar waters. These waters are not always tranquil; quite the contrary, they are often turbulent, characterized by waves that challenge you, pushing against your intended direction, and threatening to overwhelm you.

Yet, it is during these challenging moments that Satan extends his hand before us, ready to rescue and guide us back to the serenity of calm waters, where gentle and soothing waves prevail.

Recognizing Satan's outstretched hand in such times is of utmost importance. Even more crucial is to grasp it firmly, with unwavering strength and determination. For those among us who become submerged or lost in these seas, it is because they either failed to perceive Satan's guiding hand ahead or were unable to grasp it in the right manner.

As for those who were released into these seas by Satan's hand, it was either their conscious choice to be set free or they were not deserving of his support.

Satan imparts upon us the wisdom of both giving and receiving, demonstrating great discernment and fairness in the way it manifests in our lives.

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