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At Real Satanism, we are dedicated to fostering a community that embodies strength, dedication, and victory. For over the years, our philosophy has been refined and shared, yet we recognize that some still find it challenging to fully embrace the teachings. This may arise from personal doubts, misunderstandings, or the influence of external opinions. Understanding the significance of making 'the Deal' is vital—it signifies not just joining our community but fully embracing the principles of Real Satanism.

However, the journey is not without its challenges. Many are tempted by the allure of misleading promises, akin to a siren's song that entices but ultimately leads to ruin. Our focus at Real Satanism is on the quality of our members, not quantity. We seek to build a community not of the weak, dishonest, or fearful, but of the strong and resolute. A force without integrity and courage is ineffective, crumbling at the first sign of opposition.

Our vision is to nurture a group of individuals who are determined in the face of challenges, ready to achieve victory regardless of the odds. While the struggle may be intense, the rewards are immense. In the end, it is the strong and true who will prevail and secure their place within our ranks. Those lacking in strength and courage will inevitably fall, joining the ranks of the defeated.

Join us in this quest for strength, dedication, and victory. Together, we will overcome any obstacle and claim our place among the strong and true.

Hail Satan!

Photo by Jene Yeo on Unsplash

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©2022 by Real Satanism.

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