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Let's delve into the concept of a familiar demon, commonly referred to as a personal demon. I want to clarify that this ritual is not confined to Real Satanism exclusively; rather, it's an age-old practice accessible to anyone, regardless of whether they've entered into a Satanic Deal or not.

As the name suggests, a 'personal demon' is tailored to each individual. It acts as an elemental guide during the initial stages of one's journey. Manifesting in the guise of an animal, it takes on a form instantly recognizable to the individual. Notably, the demon's name is known only to the individual and must be guarded in secrecy, as its disclosure to others would prompt the demon to depart. The outward appearance of the demon is the only aspect that can be shared with others.

As previously mentioned, the personal demon functions as a valuable instrument of intuition at the inception of your journey. However, as one advances in the realm of Satanism and cultivates their own innate gifts and intuition, the familiar demon may naturally leave. While this ritual isn't an obligatory facet of Real Satanism and holds no connection to forging a Deal, its performance or absence won't influence one's path with Satan. It's important to emphasize that while the ritual may appear uncomplicated on the surface, it holds a depth and complexity that might not be immediately apparent. The ritual doesn't work for everyone. My intention is not to discourage anyone but to present the realities. A personal demon can offer advantages in various scenarios, making it a consideration worth pondering.

Numerous individuals struggle to establish a connection with their personal demon due to feelings of anxiety. Some might misconstrue this absence of contact and erroneously deduce that their Deal with Satan is not working. However, this is not the case. There's no need for undue panic, as this occurrence doesn't affect your journey through Real Satanism with Satan. I reiterate that this practice is not exclusive to us; it is a part of general occultism and is open to anyone who desires to explore it.

Here I leave only the information that this type of practice is possible, and also accepted by Real Satanism.

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