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Our mission has always been, and will continue to be, to proudly proclaim Satan's name and offer a straightforward, objective path for seekers to not only connect with him but also to elevate their lives in every possible way. However, let me emphasize that we do not claim exclusivity or seek to persuade others that our path is the only valid one. We will never succumb to arrogance, unlike the Nazarene who proclaimed, "No one comes to the Father except through me."

Amidst the diverse landscape of religious and belief systems, we acknowledge the presence of charlatans but also recognize the existence of devoted Satanists, Luciferians and occultists who conscientiously walk their paths. We honor the individuality of practices and rituals, recognizing that each person must find the path that resonates best with their inner being. Real Satanism represents one branch within the spectrum of Satanism, characterized by its distinct philosophy, doctrine, practices, and unique methods of worship.

Guided by our own set of 'Ten Commandments,' we have carefully crafted a method of initiation and the process of making a Deal. It is crucial to note that these are the 'Ten Commandments of Real Satanism' and do not speak for all Satanism as a whole. The discerning nature of these rules is specific to those who sincerely wish to embrace Real Satanism, rather than being obligatory for anyone identifying as a Satanist.

In our cults, we uphold a code of conduct that excludes the use of drugs or the practice of animal sacrifices. While we acknowledge the diversity of practices among different Satanic groups, we refrain from judging or commenting on their actions, as each person is ultimately responsible for their own beliefs and practices. My sole accountability lies with Satan, and my only focus is to carry out his work and act in accordance with his will and teachings. Only those who genuinely connect with this and feel the same in their hearts should choose to follow us.


Satan says, “Come to me, all those who are desperate, all who are rejected.” He observes all our struggles, and when someone genuinely reaches out to him, he responds. This is also because Satan tells us, “I don't want you to love me right away, I want you to try me first, get to know me, and then love me if you think it's worth it, after all, nobody truly loves what they don't know.” Therefore, through many prayers, especially daily prayers, you can begin to experience the power of Satan and his hosts in your life even before the Deal.

On our website, we provide ancient daily prayers that were once lost but are now accessible to all. These prayers serve as a direct connection to Satan, a pathway for humanity to reach him. That is why we have chosen to share them publicly.

Each daily prayer opens a portal to a demon, and they attentively listen. These demons are not assisting humanity for the sake of humans themselves, but rather out of loyalty to Satan. They form his devoted army and wholeheartedly worship and obey him. Therefore, if one wishes to be a genuine Satanist, it is crucial to approach this path with sincerity and respect. Satan values true followers and would rather lose those who are insincere or false in their commitment.

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