In a world where beliefs and ideas are often manipulated for various agendas, it's crucial to examine the roots of these concepts. Joseph Goebbels, the notorious Propaganda Minister of the Nazi regime, once articulated a strategy to blame opponents for societal woes:
“We have to make the people believe that hunger, thirst, scarcity and disease are the fault of our opponents and make our supporters repeat it all the time.”
We can clearly see in this speech, the example of alienating, deceptive, hypocritical and convenient indoctrination, which reminds me what is done in relation to the infamous "devil", the evil "Satan" of churches and popular folklore.
The prevalent notion perpetuated by some is that the devil is the underlying cause of all misfortunes in the world and in people's lives. This concept assigns blame to the devil for a variety of adversities: falling ill is seen as an affliction brought by the devil, scarcity of food as misery, and even discord within families is attributed to the devil's machinations. However, many people lack a clear understanding of what the "devil" truly represents. This lack of knowledge leads to a situation where the majority simply echo these ideas without question, finding it convenient to do so. The creation and perpetuation of the devil's character, it is argued, serve a specific purpose: to instill fear, to maintain religious control over the populace, and to financially support the institutions of religion, including the extravagant lifestyles of its leaders.
That is why we tell you that we are not worshippers of this "devil"; we do not serve him. We practice Real Satanism. Our God is the real Satan, the God of strength and power, of achievements, of victories. He is a living God who has never been and will never be defeated by the heavenly hosts. Above all, he is a righteous God who rewards each of us according to what we deserve. And he bears no responsibility for the misfortunes of this world.
Hail Satan!
Photo by Kevin Mueller on Unsplash