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Numerology is a fascinating practice that ascribes significant meanings to numbers, which can also serve as a form of communication, including by demons. The interpretation of these numbers can be multifaceted, influenced by the context in which they manifest, the individual's circumstances, and their personal experiences.

Specific numbers like 11, 9, and 6 are viewed as signs of Satan's presence. Number 4 can signify the presence of princes or symbolize your willingness to connect with Satan and undergo personal growth. In this case, it's interpreted as Satan acknowledging your journey and working to enhance your spiritual development. The number 7 carries connotations of spirituality and is linked to Satan's favorite color, purple. Additionally, number 3 is used by demons to mock the Holy Trinity.

These particular numbers hold unique meanings in Real Satanism. However, when other numbers appear in identical sequences, they can also convey messages from the universe, signifying that one is on the right path. For example, number 1 might signify a fresh start or the beginning of a new phase, while number 8 could be seen as a symbol of prosperity. These interpretations align with the broader field of numerology, omitting any specific Christian influences.

It's important to note that numerology is regarded as an integral part of spirituality, independent of any particular religious affiliation or spiritual path.

Photo by Maria Pop from Pexels

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