We would like to clarify that in the practice of Real Satanism, there are absolutely no charges or fees involved for any purpose. It's important to note that the purchase of our eBooks is entirely optional; there is no obligation whatsoever. Owning the eBooks or any other materials has never been and will never be a prerequisite for becoming a part of Real Satanism. This principle extends to the idea that having an altar for the individual worship of Satan is also not mandatory.
Satan perceives the intentions within people's hearts and does not require material offerings in exchange for his presence. If you hold loyalty and faithfulness to Satan within your heart, he will positively impact your life, regardless of whether you maintain an altar or not. The most meaningful altar one can offer to Satan is the one that exists within our hearts. Similarly, the most significant offering to him comprises our genuine love, persistent faith, and our dedication to the pledge we made to him during the Deal.
It's imperative to also emphasize that Real Satanism has never included practices such as human or animal sacrifices, or any form of criminal activity. In stark contrast to other belief systems that have historically incited wars, chaos, mental instability, and immense suffering for countless individuals globally over centuries, Real Satanism stands apart. We vehemently disapprove of any criminal transgressions perpetrated by individuals with disturbed minds, who cowardly employ Satan as a façade for committing heinous acts stemming from their inherent malevolence.
It's crucial to understand that we do not offer Deals related to wealth, fame, or love binding. Requests with such intentions will go unanswered.

Photo by Terry Vlisidis on Unsplash