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It's vital to understand that we are not inherently "good" or "bad." The notions of good and evil don't stem from any deity or malevolent force; rather, they reside within each of us. They represent a balancing force in the universe.

However, Satanists are not passive sheep waiting to be sacrificed. We respect all religious beliefs and never intentionally provoke anyone. But, if we are challenged, we will not shy away from a healthy debate and proudly stand up for who we are. If attacked, we will fight back with all our might. Above all, we are Satanists who embrace our heritage.

We have the capacity to love deeply those who love us and reward those who help us, but we also know how to hate those who hate us and attack those who attack us. We move from one extreme to the other - from love to hate - with complete control and without a shred of remorse or regret.

We do not cause harm to anyone, but it's important to understand what constitutes "harm." Our Father teaches us that evil must never come first from us, meaning we should not attack someone unless they have first attacked us. If someone does harm us, however, we immediately switch from defense to attack, and this is the best form of defense. For those who believe in the Bible, it even states, "Give to Caesar what is Caesar's."

If someone inflicts damage upon us, we must return the damage, but with maximum effort. We resemble a rattlesnake that signals a warning before it strikes, assailing only those who antagonize it and venture into the range of its venom.

Therefore, when reacting to an enemy attack, we use all our energy and resources to settle the matter once and for all. If the enemy cannot withstand our attack, it is not our fault. Anyone who initiates something without being prepared to finish it should not have started in the first place.

If you choose to hate and attack me, understand this:

"Your failures will become my triumphs.

Your mistakes will provide me with opportunities to defeat you.

Your sorrows will bring me joy.

Your weakness will serve as my strength.

Your hate will only fuel my own.

Your aggression will only increase mine.

And when you reject my Lord Satan and mock my beliefs,

you are only feeding my victorious smile,

because your ignorance brings me happiness,

and it guarantees your defeat.

E T H A N"

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