It's not uncommon for people to question my legitimacy as an envoy of Satan, assuming that one must be born into privilege to hold such a title. However, this perspective is not only misguided but also reflects a misunderstanding of the true essence of this belief system. Satanism doesn't discriminate based on wealth or status; it's open to anyone with the will and determination to walk this path.
One's material wealth or societal standing has no influence on their ability to connect with and serve Satan. Often, those who have faced adversity and risen above it exhibit remarkable strength and potential for spiritual growth. An individual's true worth is not determined by their possessions or social status but by their determination, willpower, and their capacity to connect with and serve Satan.
We should never confine someone's potential or impact in the world based on their background or economic status. A prime example of this is the Nazarene, who emerged from humble beginnings to make a profound impact on history. Similarly, I take pride in my personal growth and development, despite any obstacles I've encountered. Challenges have provided valuable lessons and made me stronger, both physically and spiritually. I draw inspiration from Satan's teachings, which have forged my spirit like a sword, enabling me to withstand the feeble attempts of envious and spiteful individuals to undermine my beliefs. Their repetitive and unoriginal criticisms do not deter me; I view them as opportunities to distance myself from those who don't appreciate my efforts and to focus on nurturing relationships with those who truly matter.
My dedication to my work and service to others remains firm. I've been able to assist numerous individuals who lacked direction or hope for a better life, offering my assistance without charging fees or exploiting their trust. This approach may differ from those who seek profit from others' suffering, but true altruism remains unshaken by the dishonest or ungrateful. These individuals, often a vocal but insignificant minority, are like barking dogs, bold only behind their screens, ultimately insignificant and powerless.
Hail Satan!

Photo by Oscar Keys on Unsplash