When we choose to embrace Satan's path with love, loyalty, and sincerity, he brings about a profound transformation in every aspect of our lives for our ultimate benefit. I am living proof of this undeniable fact. As Priestess Delcia often emphasizes, there is a purification process that takes place, cleansing us from all that is harmful. Since I opened my heart to our Lord, numerous changes have unfolded. Initially, I attributed my personal struggles solely to the ordinary challenges of life. However, I gradually realized that a significant portion of my difficulties had a spiritual origin. My life was unfolding in a terrifying manner, and over time, I came to understand the true nature of my problems—my spirit was under constant attack. I devoted myself to fervent prayer every day because whenever I let my guard down or grew idle, dreadful thoughts would flood my mind. Nonetheless, I placed my trust in Satan, knowing he would guide me to victory in this battle.
The malevolent force that tormented me exploited my ignorance, intensifying my distress. I believed I was under assault by spiritual entities, yet I lacked a genuine understanding of the situation; I merely sought to remain vigilant. It was only when I finally boarded a bus on March 25, 2016, en route to the Satanic temple, that I openly admitted, "I'm exhausted. I need help."
Upon arriving at the temple, I encountered a revelation that shook me to my core. The "thing" that had pursued me relentlessly was a legion of inferior demons that had haunted my family for generations, passing down through the ages. It was likely Adramelech's legion, as that name incessantly echoed in my mind, relentlessly pursuing me. However, I chose not to dwell on the details, as I yearned to be free from torment, regardless of the specifics. I was far too terrified to delve further into the matter. Through the guidance of the High Priest, I discovered that even within that temple, a 19-year-old afflicted by such a multitude of inferior demons was an unprecedented sight. My situation was dire.
I remained at the temple for two days, undergoing heavy spiritual purification, and finally, on the third day, I was consecrated to my eternal Queen Mother, Lilith. The energy I experienced was immensely powerful, glorious, and eternally unforgettable. To this day, I ponder the unfathomable intensity of Satan's energy, that of the supreme God Himself.
My time at the temple was truly extraordinary, but I was foolish to assume that life would henceforth be devoid of challenges. I believed I was shielded completely, convinced that nothing adverse would ever affect me again. While I successfully triumphed over spiritual malevolence, what about the hardships inflicted by humanity? Lacking extensive life experience and maturity, I found myself entangled in unsuitable environments and relationships. I subjected myself to false friendships and deceptive romantic entanglements. For years, I blamed myself for being too naive. However, after enduring tumultuous storms, I rise each day, with Satan's unwavering support, growing stronger, wiser, and more mature. He has shown me the righteous path to navigate through life, instilling within me the understanding that nothing worthwhile comes easily. With Satan's guidance, I can set goals and attain them. He has never forsaken me; instead, he lifts me up, imparts wisdom, and teaches me invaluable lessons. I have transformed, learned, and conquered. Now, I am filled with promising aspirations. I am a new individual, at peace and fully restored.
This is the essence of our existence—enduring constant battles and wars of various forms. Even as we depart from this earthly realm to the kingdom of our supreme Father, Satan, our fight continues in his honor, and we shall emerge triumphant. Our God leads us, prepares us, and watches over us. With him, we lead dignified and purposeful lives.
Only now do I comprehend that the pathway to Satan's kingdom is the most arduous of all. I never imagined it could be so challenging. However, all along, fueled by my love for Satan, I remained steadfast in the knowledge that everything would work out. And indeed, with him, it truly does. I am living proof of this reality.
Hail Satan!

Photo by Vitaliy Shevchenko on Unsplash