Yesterday marked a significant milestone in my life—I reached five months of being liberated from the constraints of psychiatric treatment. Enduring a decade of suffering, relying on strong medications had taken a toll on my physical well-being. Those ten long and grueling years saw me hospitalized twice, grappling with depression, anxiety, OCD, and various other challenges. At times, I found myself on the verge of relinquishing any hope of leading a normal life. Yet, my determination to conquer my afflictions and pursue my dreams propelled me forward. It was my spiritual quest that ultimately led me to Satan, my savior and guide. He remained by my side, offering support, guidance, and illuminating my existence, enabling me to overcome the obstacles that had hindered my ability to live a normal, healthy, and joyful life.
I was once informed that my situation was arduous, and my condition would persist for a lifetime. The prevailing notion was that I should simply make the best of it and adjust accordingly. However, Satan proved all those assumptions wrong. He restored my life and instilled hope where others saw none. It was a meeting I had yearned for, one that finally bestowed meaning upon my spiritual journey.
I had been searching for Satan long before I made the decision to enter into a Deal with him. Almost immediately, Real Satanism presented itself to me. I began to follow their website, diligently reading testimonials, texts, engaging in daily prayers, and watching videos on their YouTube channel. Gradually, I drew closer to Satan, assimilating everything that resonated with me. This process spanned approximately a year or so, and during that time, even prior to formalizing my Deal, I experienced a profound transformation in my life. There was a profound cleansing, and I encountered intense pre-Deal moments that proved pivotal for my post-Deal experiences.
At a certain point, a question arose within me: "What is this light I'm experiencing? I haven't even formalized my Deal yet. Could it be that Satan is already at work in my life?" I suspected it was the case, and now, after completing one year and six months since formalizing my Deal, I joyously declare each day, "Yes, it was him!" For Satan is the guiding light in my life, present in every moment, every second. Today, I feel that I am bestowed with the greatest of all honors. I pray and strive to always be worthy of receiving his blessings. I hope that my gratitude permeates every action, every word, and overflows, extending into eternity, which is the only timeframe I perceive as appropriate for continually expressing my love and appreciation. I extend my deepest sentiments to my God, the princes, Lilith, the guardian demons, and all the infernal hosts. I express gratitude to my High Priest, my Priestess, and to this incredible family we have formed here.
Though I have attempted to summarize my experiences as much as possible, there remains an abundance of things for which I am thankful. And always remember, as long as we remain aligned with Satan and act in accordance with his will, he will be with us in ways beyond our imagination. He becomes everything to us, and through him, we undergo a profound rebirth. This precisely encapsulates my sentiment: with Satan, I was reborn, transformed, and evolved into everything I had always aspired to be and continue to aspire to be. Most importantly, my psychological well-being is now under control.
Hail Satan!

Photo by Virginia Berbece on Unsplash