Our objective is to challenge the common perception of Lucifer as a defeated and fallen archangel, as the reality of the story is far more complex. In essence, Lucifer dared to contest and confront the Christian God when Satan left to forge his own kingdom, all in pursuit of bringing harmony to the universe. Although his plea went unheard, he refused to accept defeat and instead rallied a rebellion, garnering the support of one-third of the angels. With his head held high, he proudly marched to the Kingdom of Satan, embodying the same glory and pride that has defined him from the beginning and still characterizes him to this day.
Hence, it becomes crucial for us to discard the notion of Lucifer as an envious, selfish, and impulsive fallen archangel, banished from heaven because of a desire to surpass the Christian God's power. This simplistic portrayal does not align with what truly transpired in the case of Lucifer.
The prevailing perception of Lucifer often misses the mark. He is not the malevolent figure commonly associated with manipulation and deceit, preying on vulnerable individuals by offering easy happiness. Lucifer cannot be bought or controlled; he does not belong to anyone, and "Deals" with him cannot be claimed or owned. It is crucial to grasp that bloody sacrifices, will not bring one closer to him.
Contrary to popular culture's portrayal, Lucifer does not dwell in darkness and ignorance, nor is he the stereotypical evil figure depicted in the minds of some false Satanists. He is not solely dedicated to destroying humanity or causing harm. He is not the biblical Satan exploited by those who seek personal gain at the expense of people's faith and well-being.
Lucifer, no longer an angel, is a powerful demon, but he has not been cast into the abyss nor become a fallen angel. He is not the comical devil whose purpose is to possess people or tempt them into evil. Such representations are erroneous and misleading. Beware when his name is used to justify wicked actions, as it does not accurately represent who he truly is.
Additionally, it is essential to recognize that Lucifer does not engage in rituals alongside entities, nor does he accept offerings at crossroads or cemeteries. He is a demon, a significant and potent one, serving as the first crown prince to Satan and the infernal hosts. A being of such grandeur and cosmic dimensions, radiating the light of Satan, and possessing energy capable of vaporizing us with a mere spark, would never involve himself in macabre and sinister rituals of dark magic, such as love spells or "wealth Deals" promised by so-called "mighty masters of occultism" who claim to offer riches, power, love and pleasure.
Agios Lucifer!

Photo by Christopher Burns on Unsplash