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When we experience unrequited love, it can be a challenging and complicated situation. However, Satan, with his infinite wisdom, teaches us that sometimes it is smarter to accept what cannot be changed. In this specific situation, as difficult as it may seem, accepting reality is the best way forward.

Constantly begging for love or revealing your vulnerability to someone who despises you will not change the situation, and it will only further increase their contempt. Trust in time as the best medicine in these cases. Instead of focusing your thoughts and energy on someone who doesn't reciprocate your feelings, try to disconnect and move on. Life is too short to waste on one-sided love.

Understand that when you prioritize self-love, you set a standard for how others should love and treat you. Life's brevity is a reminder that every moment spent longing for someone who overlooks your worth is a moment lost. Self-love is the foundation upon which a fulfilling life is built. It's the quiet understanding that you are the most important person in your life, not out of selfishness, but out of necessity. Before pouring your love into someone else, you must first fill your own cup to the brim.

Moreover, it's important to note that holding onto a failed relationship can prevent you from opening yourself up to new experiences. Don't ask Satan to make someone love you; instead, ask him for the strength and guidance to overcome these feelings and to find someone who truly deserves your love and reciprocates your affections. Remember, another's indifference does not reflect your worth. It's crucial to recognize that your value is not diminished by someone's inability to see it.

On this journey, your desires may not always align with your well-being. So trust in the guidance of Satan's wisdom, which promises to guide you towards what truly serves your best interests.

Hail Satan!

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