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Throughout our lives, it's common to not always get what we desire. This is because sometimes what we want may not be in our best interest or may not bring us any positive outcomes. It's important to understand that not getting what we want can actually be a blessing in disguise and can lead us towards a better path.

If you reflect on your past experiences, you can perhaps recall a situation in which you strongly desired something but did not obtain it, and suffered as a result. However, with time, you may have realized that this desire was not important or beneficial, and you did not miss it. Looking back on such memories, you might smile and feel naive or immature for having suffered so much over an unfulfilled desire.

That's why it's crucial to examine your past, not to lament or feel pain for what hurt you or to regret the choices you made, as those cannot be changed. Instead, you should reflect comparatively on who you were and who you are now, considering the decisions you made and the choices you took that did not yield positive outcomes. This reflection will help you avoid making similar mistakes in the future.

It's an opportunity to let go of any lingering suffering, hurt, frustration, or regret over past events that cannot be changed. By doing so, you can make the present lighter and construct a better future with the awareness that you have matured.

Overall, learning from our past experiences and growing from them can help us build a better future. Instead of dwelling on what we could not have, we can focus on what we have learned and use that knowledge to make better choices in the future.

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