"Great mother of rebellion, queen who walks on lilies and exhales the scent of roses, whose greatest weapons are seduction and beauty, hear my pleas and intercede in my cause.
Direct your flaming eyes to the thorn forest that surrounds me, incinerate it and lift the dust to the stars above so that the moon may be my brightest firmament.
Bring in your lap whoever decided to leave mine, hold him in the cradle of my desire, make him smile in front of my image and cry with my absence.
Bring me the keys that open the chests that hold the treasures of the earth and allow me to glorify you from the pulpit of my bed. The dry tree will sprout again to adorn your eternal garden, your children thus desire to commune with your essence and receive your energies.
May my mouth carry the nectar prepared by you with the power to seal a relationship. Pour honey into my hands so that I can satisfy my most hidden desires, grant me sexual fire to burn the garden of my lust.
I will be eternal as you are and I will thank you rejoicing in my desires.