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In the face of persecution, insults, and defamation, I affirm that these efforts against me and Real Satanism have been futile. Our principles, steadfastness, and authentic approach have only reinforced respect and resilience against these feeble attempts to undermine us.

Embrace the struggle, for cultural and liberating change isn't achieved gently but through unyielding resolve. Just as a hyena gravitates towards a corpse, a cowardly oppressor preys on the weak. Remember, a group of fools doesn't equate to wisdom, and bravery doesn't emerge from cowards.

True strength in a fighting group lies not in its weapons, but in its inner will. Before overcoming external adversaries, we must conquer our internal foes: weaknesses, insecurities, and any barriers to our liberation.

Satan is manifesting his influence in this world, and his followers are rising alongside him. As loyal advocates of Real Satanism, let's not waver, even when faced with vast challenges, uneven battles, and the daunting prospect of victory. Stay resolute, undeterred by deceitful infiltrators who aim to intimidate and divide us. These deceivers won't be remembered for their contributions to humanity. The path to glory is for the brave, not the hesitant.

I encourage you to follow my lead, not to take the forefront in battle. As a true follower of Satan, I am guided by his wise teachings: "The best way to teach is by example, doing exactly as one preaches. Let us avoid the hypocrisy of saying: do as I say, not as I do."

Glory to Satan!

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