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Six years ago, I made a Deal unlike any other. Not for wealth or material gain, but for something far more precious - true happiness. It all began when I stumbled upon a Satanist doctrine on YouTube, "Satanismo Real," where the high priest spoke of making a Deal with the demon. At first, fear and doubt crept in, as I was raised in a Christian culture. But, having long since lost faith in Christianity, I decided to give it a try.

As I delved deeper and clarified my doubts, I felt my fears dissipate, replaced by a newfound sense of clarity and safety. The "Ten Commandments" presented in the doctrine gave me the certainty that this was the path that would fill the void that had plagued me for so many years. What particularly caught my attention was that the Deal was not offered for fame or riches, but for Satan to become the God of my life. Through my dedication to applying his teachings, I would evolve and attract my own achievements, whatever they may be. In other words, change would not be instantaneous or magical, but would depend on my effort to overcome the obstacles in my way, in line with the commandments. By doing my part, Satan would do his, as the doctrine stated. And so, I made my Deal, and I have never looked back.

When I made the Deal, there was no blood, no sacrifices, nothing grotesque, disgusting or repulsive, just as the high priest promised. In short, I renounced the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and formally accepted Satan as my one and only God.

Life began to undergo a profound transformation, initiating a cascade of changes, both subtle and monumental. Individuals who had caused me pain and inflicted harm throughout the years were gradually removed from my life, allowing me to emerge victorious over the natural trials and tribulations of existence. The wise counsel provided by High Priests Agnes and Delcia Farias played an instrumental role in leading me towards an unprecedented state of bliss. In love, peace, sexuality, wisdom, and prosperity, I have attained a level of fulfillment that once seemed unimaginable. Today, I possess all that I yearned for, and what remains beyond my grasp is within my reach.

Yet, the source of my joy transcends mere material possessions. It emanates from the person I have become. Fear no longer holds sway over my being, for I am accompanied by Satan, who brings me tranquility as gentle as a breeze and fortitude as unyielding as a mountain.

All those who stood as adversaries have suffered and continue to suffer the consequences of their actions. My female enemies have endured hair loss, uterine bleeding, cancer, the dissolution of long-standing relationships, and the most agonizing humiliations, tormenting their sanity to an irreparable degree. Their worst nightmares have become reality. Likewise, my male enemies have experienced a similar fate, plagued by diseases, anguish, and misfortune. Their mental well-being has deteriorated to alarming extents, causing their entire lives to unravel and plunge into freefall.

Hail Satan!

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