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The founders of Real Satanism are just two individuals: Agnes Farias and Delcia Farias. As of now, we have not designated a High Priest or Priestess, nor have we granted anyone the authority to make such appointments on our behalf. This is due to the significant gravity and responsibility associated with this role, necessitating careful consideration.

It is crucial to emphasize that any potential elevation to the position of High Priest or Priestess would adhere strictly to our specific doctrine and guidelines, which are distinct and independent from other factions. The individual chosen would hold the title within Real Satanism alone, rather than encompassing Satanism as a whole. Specific prerequisites and criteria relevant to our branch of Satanism would apply, solely addressing our genuine followers.

We hold deep respect for all religious beliefs and perspectives, refraining from, and disapproving of, any intent to meddle in the internal matters, religious practices, or decisions of other faiths or groups. Conversely, we expect the same respect and non-interference in our own internal affairs. To illustrate, it would be akin to a Priest from one faith challenging the appointment of a Pastor in an evangelical church, or attempting to impose their conditions for such a designation.

If we aim to promote peace within Satanism, let us begin by fostering mutual respect between different branches, sects, or groups that are serious in their proposals, practices, and objectives. Let us focus on what is within our own responsibility and allow each individual in charge to manage their own responsibilities.

It's essential to distinguish between an alliance and the fusion of segments. An alliance denotes a collaboration wherein distinct groups retain their unique attributes, beliefs, practices, and philosophies. Conversely, fusion implies the absorption of one group into another, resulting in a unified entity sharing identical beliefs, practices, and philosophies. Hence, our paramount concern should always be the cultivation of respect.

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