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Within the realm of spirituality, three distinct domains exist: the realm of the Christian God, the realm of Satan, and the realm of inferior demons.

Origin and Transformation

During the heavenly exodus, as commonly understood, a third of the angels opted to follow Lucifer, resulting in their transformation into some of the demons we know today. Another third elected to remain loyal to the Christian God, thus staying within the realm of heaven. However, the fate of the remaining third raises intrigue. These fallen angels evolved into what we now recognize as the inferior demons. Not having aligned themselves with Satan for protection, they incurred the wrath of the Christian God, leading to their banishment into a realm shrouded in darkness as a consequence of their disloyalty. Consequently, they became embodiments of pure hatred, essentially transforming into creatures of darkness consumed by an all-encompassing abhorrence towards everything.

Abilities: The Art of Shape-Shifting

These inferior demons possess the remarkable ability to assume diverse forms, with one exception—Satan's form remains beyond their reach. Only the princes and Lilith are privy to Satan's true appearance. However, these demons can adopt the guise of anyone else, even deceased loved ones, especially those with whom we had tumultuous relationships. This shape-shifting is driven by their reliance on negative emotions such as sadness, hatred, and fear.

The Many Faces of Demons

I often say that there are three types of demons, also mistakenly referred to as the devil: the one from the Bible, the one from popular folklore, and the true Satan. The internet and popular culture abound with stories and legends about demons, complicating the differentiation between fact and fiction. Therefore, acquiring knowledge and wisdom in this domain is crucial to discerning between mere legend and concrete reality.

The Thin Line Between 'Deal' and 'Bargain'

An essential distinction also lies between "Deal" and "bargain" when engaging with inferior demons. While it's possible to negotiate with these beings, striking a true "Deal" with them remains unattainable. Many individuals might believe they've made a real Deal; when, in fact, they've entered into a tricky bargain. It's important to recognize that any interaction involving an agreement with these beings carries significant risks, as they're unrelenting in gathering souls for their legion.

The Appeal of Demonic Deals in Popular Culture

The notion of "making a Deal with a demon" is a captivating theme, especially in the wealth and famous world. Numerous people, especially Christians, theorize that certain powerful people achieve success through such Deals. Are you familiar with this concept? It's a thought-provoking subject. While many of these stories are often fabricated or embellished, there is an underlying reality to it.

Hierarchy and Power Dynamics

Inferior demons who are chiefs of legions wield tremendous power and cunning. For example, if one operates in the name of the demon Moloch and offers a "Deal" with him to others, it could lead to their protection, as long as it aids in gathering souls for the legion. However, this protection is transient and dissipates once the facilitator's utility wanes.

Common Misconceptions Among Christians

For numerous Christians, there's little differentiation between demons, entities, obsessing spirits, and all kinds of beings perceiving them as a unified figure of evil. When issues arise within the church, especially cases of alleged possession, these are often attributed unquestioningly to demons. Yet, comprehending the intricate spiritual landscape is vital, given the diverse array of beings surrounding us. Making assertions without thorough investigation is complex. It's certain that a potent chief of a legion, if possessing someone within a church, can't be simply cast out by a pastor or priest, although head of legions are not interested in doing that. What these people can expel are entities, obsessing spirits and even inferior wandering demons (those who do not belong to any legion), which are in large numbers and "weaker." But if it is a chief, general, or a member of a strong legion, they will only leave when they get tired of playing.

Practical Authority vs. Theoretical Knowledge

While we possess the authority to confront any demon, it's essential to acknowledge the disparity between theory and practice. Holding the title of authority and possessing theoretical knowledge about removing demons from individuals, objects, or spaces differs significantly from having the actual experience and capability to do so. Confronting demons is intricate, given their cunning nature and array of tactics.

Personal Experiences

Personally, I've encountered numerous possessed individuals during my time in the physical temple. I've engaged and expelled various inferior demons, including Moloch, on multiple occasions. Moloch, a well-known inferior demon, often demands child sacrifice for wealth, a proposition few dare to undertake. I aided a person facing this situation, helping her break free from such suffering. It's a grueling battle, exhausting, and one of the factors affecting my health and well-being.


Regarding protection, inferior demons can infiltrate one's life in two ways—either attracted through wrong practices like bargains, rituals, animal sacrifices, and blood usage, or sent through rituals. The most effective protection involves sealing as many openings as possible through adherence to teachings, rituals, and avoiding actions that draw them in. And if an adversary attempts to send them your way, steadfastly following teachings and utilizing resources can thwart their efforts. Our teachings provide protection; by remaining vigilant, you remain shielded.

Generational Curses and Spiritual Cleansing

It's worth noting that inferior demons can remain through family generations. Without expulsion, they entrench themselves, cursing descendants. But engaging in a Deal with Satan and adhering to his path breaks these curses as part of a spiritual cleansing process. Everything is shattered, regardless of its power, though the duration varies based on accumulated history. This cleansing commences with the Deal and continues until its fulfillment.

The Risks of Engaging with the Occult

Many are oblivious to the risks tied to dealings with occult forces. An illustrative case involves an adversary who sought our downfall relentlessly. Such individuals appear from time to time. In this instance, a woman engaged in abhorrent rituals against me and my wife, even allowing herself to be possessed by an inferior demon. Consuming her own blood during possession was a shocking extreme. Despite her efforts, she failed to bring us down; we endured and remained strong. Eventually, her life crumbled, leading to psychiatric institutionalization—she reaped what she had sown.

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