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Firstly, it's crucial to note that only a demon can fully understand another demon; their ways of thinking are inherently similar.

Classes of Inferior Demons

Inferior demons can be categorized into several classes. The most potent among them are the 'Legion Chiefs,' who command entire legions. Directly under them are 'Generals,' who serve as intermediaries between the chiefs and all the rest of them. These chiefs rarely engage with humans directly; instead, possession is usually carried out by lower-ranking members of their legion.

Additionally, there are 'Wandering Demons' that operate independently and do not belong to any specific legion. While still possessing significant strength, these demons are considered the least potent in comparison. They are usually more susceptible to exorcism due to their independent nature. They are also known for employing various deceptive tactics. This distinction forms the basis for categorizing them.

Motivations and Characteristics

There is no unity or harmony among these demonic ranks; they are driven solely by power and hatred. Their power is determined by the size of their legion, which they aim to expand by ensnaring human souls. They may offer all sorts of temptations—money, power, knowledge, love—in order to deceive humans and swell their ranks.

Importantly, these legions act independently of one another. They are motivated by a deep-seated hatred for humans, who are created in the image of the Christian God, their ultimate adversary. Therefore, their ultimate goal is the destruction of humanity.

A Word of Caution

Lastly, it's vital to exercise extreme caution when dealing with these beings. Some individuals mistakenly believe that rituals or invocations can give them control over demons. This is a perilous misconception; dealing with demonic forces requires deep knowledge and great care. Always proceed with the utmost caution.

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