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"You shall love and hate with the same intensity"

Love and hate are two powerful energies in the world. We must learn to channel these energies and direct them to the right people. Love those who love you and hate those who consume you. Above all, it is a matter of fairness. If you direct your love to those who don't love you, you will be wasting that energy on those who don't deserve it. In the same way, if you don't direct hatred towards your enemy and try to repress this energy, it will sooner or later explode in two ways: within yourself, causing illness or in those who live by your side, who are often people who love you, and is this fair?


"You shall love yourself above all"

Keep in mind that you should be the most important person to yourself. Nobody can live your life for you, and nobody can be happy in your place. People like to give opinions on our lives and advice, but then they go back to their lives, and we continue ours. So, don't give importance to people's opinions to the extent that you don't do what makes you happy because of concern about what people might say about you. And don't expect anyone to do anything for you. Don't put your happiness in anyone's hands, as no one is obligated to make you happy. Love yourself and build your happiness with your own hands.


"You shall love your neighbor the same way he loves you"

Do not try to love all people indiscriminately, especially not your enemies. There is no such thing as unconditional love. Love is a give-and-take; whoever loves wants to be loved, and whoever gives affection wants to receive affection. Therefore, love your neighbor in the same way and to the same degree that they love you, in order to act justly. It is impossible to treat unequal people equally; it is an act of fairness.


"You shall know yourself"

Self-knowledge is essential for our personal growth. We must understand ourselves, including our weaknesses and strengths, in order to improve upon our weaknesses and capitalize on our strengths. Those who have self-awareness are always one step ahead of those who do not. By understanding ourselves, we are able to predict our reactions and avoid situations that may be harmful to us.


"You shall always seek material and spiritual improvement"

Being grateful for what we have is one thing, but complacency is another. Therefore, we must always strive for more. Stagnant water becomes stale and stationary iron rusts. Our goal should be to constantly progress and improve - to be better today than yesterday and better tomorrow than today.


"You shall not use the name of Satan for improper purposes"

Unfortunately, it is common for individuals falsely claiming to be Satanists, witches, and other charlatans to exploit the trust and vulnerability of people for financial gain. These scammers make a living by deceiving others, which is reprehensible. Therefore, we must always be vigilant for these false Satanists who use the name of Satan to deceive and take advantage of others.


"You shall respect and protect children and animals"

Children and animals deserve our full respect and protection. Children are innocent and pure, they have not yet been tainted by the corruption of adults and they do not yet understand the harsh realities of life. Animals, without exception of race or species, must also be protected and never mistreated. Real Satanism does not include any rituals that require the sacrifice of animals, and we set an example by this.


"You shall live every second as if it were your last"

We don't know what will happen to us in the next second, let alone the next minutes, hours, and days. So, live intensely every second of your life. Don't waste your time, don't let life pass you by. Instead, pass it by. Is there anything to be done? Do it now. Is there a decision to be made? Decide now. Is there a problem to be solved? Solve it now. Focus your energy and thoughts on the present moment, because in it lies the enchanted key that opens the door to the future.


"You shall live your own way but always respecting the way of others"

We advocate for full free will above all else, so we need to set an example and never adopt the policy of "do as I say, not as I do." If we want respect, we need to respect others. Everyone should be allowed to follow the path they feel is best and have the right to believe or not believe what they want.


"You shall give your best in everything you do"

No matter what you do, whether the task is simple or complex, small or grand, always give it your best effort. Focus on what you are doing in that moment, make it the most important to you. Put all your attention on it and do your best to achieve the best possible outcome.

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