From time to time, questions arise regarding the gratuity of our teachings, particularly in regards to the nature of our Deal. Despite this, there are those who persist in questioning the simplicity with which it is presented and even the fact that we do not use blood in its execution.
It is known that there are a wide range of "Deals" available on the market, each with varying prices and promises. Ultimately, it is up to each individual to decide which they wish to trust. However, it is not the fact that a Deal is paid or not that truly matters, but rather the person offering it. You must consider whether they possess the necessary knowledge, authority, and responsibility to effectively execute a Deal, or if they are simply a scammer seeking to make easy money.
For those who may question the validity of our Deal due to its simplicity, it is important to first understand that, as Satan states, "Wisdom lies in simplicity." While the Deal itself may be straightforward, the true challenge lies in fulfilling the commitment made before Satan. This is what should be the primary focus of all those who undertake our teachings. Despite any criticisms or doubts, our teachings and Deal will continue to be imparted gratuitously to all those who are inclined to embrace the principles of Real Satanism.
Understand that our commitment is not driven by the pursuit of wealth or fame, nor does it promise an easy and luxurious lifestyle. While these desires might exist among many, they are not aligned with the essence of Real Satanism.
The Deal is also a requirement for official acceptance within Real Satanism, and the measure of success or failure is determined by your unwavering commitment, comprehension, and loyalty to the chosen path.
The objective of our commitment goes beyond mere wishful thinking or waiting for results; it demands wholeheartedly embracing the core principles of Real Satanism and integrating its teachings, rituals, and practices into your daily existence. Through Real Satanism, Satan offers a spiritual transformation, leading to personal growth that can manifest in material aspects as well. However, it's crucial to grasp that this evolution is gradual and progressive, not an overnight metamorphosis that some might mistakenly anticipate.
Let it be clear that we do not engage in buying souls or offering illusions in exchange for material gains. Our teachings and practices are not driven by monetary motives, though they do come with their costs. Upholding rules and adhering to hierarchy are vital aspects of achieving success within our beliefs. Our focus lies not in amassing wealth but in demonstrating fidelity and devotion to Satan.
Therefore, if your intention is to truly embrace the principles of Real Satanism, our doors are open to you. However, if your only goal is to use the power of demons to fulfill your personal desires in exchange for your soul, your efforts will be in vain.
It is also crucial to be wary of those who offer anything in exchange for money, as they may be fraudulent and seeking to exploit you. Remember, nothing can be so bad that it cannot get worse.

Photo by engin akyurt on Unsplash