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I will share a ritual for destroying enemies, accessible to anyone, even those who haven't made a Deal with Satan. It's important to highlight that in this ritual, there will be no invocation or use of any demon's name. Instead, the energy to annihilate your enemy will be channeled from your own feelings of intense hatred.

Here is the Ritual:

- Draw an inverted pentagram on the floor (it can be done with chalk);

- Place in the center of the pentagram on a sheet of paper the name or names of the person you want to target. If you have photos, even better;

- Cover the entire pentagram design drawn on the floor with rubbing alcohol 70% or ethanol. To make it easier we use in our fire rituals an empty tube of school glue where we put the alcohol, thus facilitating the outline of the drawing;

- Cover the sheet of paper in the center of the pentagram with alcohol;

- Place the fire on the inverted end of the pentagram and the fire should burn the entire outline of the pentagram and the sheet of paper in the center of it;

- While the fire is burning, mentalize the enemy and order him to pay for what he has done to you, direct to him all the hate or hurt he caused you.

Note: Ashes and leftover pieces of paper can be thrown away in the trash normally.

This ritual can be done any day and time.

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