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Embracing the path aligned with Satan goes beyond sporadic devotion; it becomes an intrinsic part of your everyday existence. Satan acknowledges the distinctiveness of each person, comprising their strengths, limitations, and unique ways of living. As a result, Satan tailors his approach individually, recognizing that a personalized strategy is crucial. Grasping and embracing this personalized approach becomes the keystone for effectively constructing and upholding your daily journey with him.

Satan's commitment to reward those who faithfully and genuinely serve him in his realm isn't a pledge confined to life's culmination; it's an ongoing commitment assessed day by day. Although many individuals may enter the realm of Real Satanism with fixed convictions, evolution of perspectives over time is a natural progression. Yet, some may veer off course due to self-absorption, changing interests, wavering loyalty, or combining conflicting practices. Thus, the assurance of gaining entry into Satan's dominion is solely confirmed at the end of one's mortal existence. The ones unwavering in their allegiance and sincerity will ultimately reap their deserved rewards.

Satan's kingdom is structured into three levels: the highest level, housing Satan himself, his princes, Lilith, and other superior demons; the intermediate realm; and the realm of darkness. It's important to recognize that Satan's promise of his kingdom doesn't inherently signify the highest level. The level one resides in is contingent upon the path taken by each individual and their manner of serving after entering the Deal.

The query of whether an individual will inhabit the higher or intermediate level rests ultimately with Satan. This determination hinges upon the individual's behaviors and deeds throughout their lifetime. The authority to decide doesn't lie within our grasp, but we retain the power to lead a life deserving of such consideration.

When it comes to understanding the physical embodiment upon entering Satan's dominion, complete comprehension of it rests solely with him. While it remains enigmatic, those who are granted entry into his realm will receive a demonic form, similar to the transformation of Lucifer and the other third of angels from their angelic state. This metamorphosis is a privilege, aligning the transformed with the essence of Satan's realm.

Upon arrival within Satan's dominion, the initial step involves him bestowing a demonic form. Subsequently, guided by an individual's value, he determines their destination, purpose, and realm. It's important to emphasize that the intermediate realm serves as a platform for spiritual progression, where one can ascend to the higher echelons or descend to the realm of darkness. The timeline for this journey lacks preordained markers, varying uniquely in each case. It's vital to remember that while advancement from the intermediate to the higher realm or regression from the higher to the intermediate is plausible, once consigned to the realm of darkness, there's no avenue for escape.

Satan stands as an unparalleled deity, yet his tenets are resolute. He is strict, and many mistakenly assume him to be an all-accepting, all-forgiving God, a deity of boundless love who comprehends our errors unfailingly. Such notions are misguided. Satan is a demon God, and his grasp is unyielding. The distinction lies in Satan's authenticity – he doesn't deceive us; he is candid. His declaration resounds: "The hand that builds is the same that destroys." He upholds the principle of action and reaction, and concerning free will, he emphasizes that while freedom is our domain, so too are the resulting consequences. Blunt and forthright, Satan evades sugarcoating and anticipates reciprocation from his followers.

Oftentimes, individuals suffer the consequences of their own actions, a testament to Satan's allowance of experiencing the fallout from their misdeeds. If one acts improperly, the consequences will inevitably follow. A principle emerges – those sheltered by protection must also bear the consequences induced by their protector. Genuine assistance eludes us if we perpetually absolve others of their transgressions, permitting them impunity. Ultimately, true growth arises from facing the repercussions of our actions and learning from them, both here and in Hell.

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