Each of us possesses a unique spiritual frequency, similar to a fingerprint. Demonic possession occurs when a demon successfully aligns with its target's frequency. This phenomenon predominantly takes place within the mind, which governs the body, leading to physical manifestations that are consequences rather than causes.
This process unfolds through three phases: infestation, disturbance, and possession. During infestation, sensitive individuals may experience physical and emotional symptoms, along with disruptions in their environment and relationships. The disturbance phase entails strange occurrences like noises, voices, objects falling, physical anomalies, sudden appearances, and dream attacks. Finally, the possession phase involves direct control over the victim's actions, attitudes, and will, often leading to a loss of consciousness and bodily control.
It's vital to recognize that while some individuals may believe they are possessed, mental health professionals do not endorse demonic possession as a valid diagnosis. Instead, they might diagnose conditions like schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, dissociative disorders, etc., which can manifest symptoms such as hallucinations and delusions. Nonetheless, this is a contentious topic that demands a thorough evaluation. The interplay between psychosomatic illnesses and spirituality is intricate and necessitates a thoughtful assessment by a qualified professional. While some psychological cases may have spiritual aspects, it's important to note that not every case involves possession.
Additionally, we must dispel misconceptions about the types of demons that might seek possession. It is implausible for Lucifer or Lilith to possess someone due to their immense power, which the human body cannot withstand. Other superior demons could potentially incorporate a prepared person, such as a medium, but this is distinct from possession because it requires authorization and preparation. However, this experience is strenuous and perilous for the human body, given the intense energy involved. Generally, superior demons have little interest in possessing humans unless there is a significant purpose, as was the case in our temple when I received incorporations to transmit the teachings.
Lesser demons, on the other hand, exist outside Satan's realm and are on a lower level. They are known to possess humans, often pretending to be superior demons during possession, a phenomenon well-documented in numerous reports. Despite being called “lesser,” these beings should not be underestimated, as they wield substantial power and can inflict harm and suffering for their amusement.
Hence, it is crucial to approach demons with caution, study, meditation, and composure, and to refrain from engaging with unknown forces recklessly. The risks of such encounters, without prudence and wisdom, include severe consequences, such as mental instability or even loss of life. Only a select few individuals truly comprehend demons, necessitating the dissemination of cautionary advice regarding their dangers.
In today's digital age, the abundance of information on Satanism can overwhelm individuals, making it challenging to discern legitimate paths from fraudulent ones. Many of these teachings lack authenticity and can exacerbate problems for seekers. Furthermore, opportunists exploiting digital platforms attract followers with promises of fame, wealth, power, or other enticing offers. Young people, influenced by social media, movies, series, and music, may find these pursuits trendy and exciting without grasping the potential consequences.
The realm of occultism faces complexity and peril due to the irresponsibility of those profiting from rituals, tricky Deals, teachings, and false spiritual insights. Many of these individuals fail to follow their own rituals, rendering them fraudulent. Consequently, numerous individuals have suffered harm from these deceptive practices, often initiated through online platforms. As a result, I receive thousands of emails, with the majority reporting: "I made a Deal with a demon, and it destroyed my life. Can you help me?" When I inquire about where the Deal was made and who facilitated it, the answer is consistently, "the internet." It is disheartening to see how many people have been harmed by these fraudulent practices. So be careful.

Photo by Reza Hasannia on Unsplash