Daily prayers, much like all our prayers, serve as more than simple requests for assistance; they are profound rituals that open portals to the Kingdom of Satan. To maintain the flow of energy and receive the full benefits of these portals, it is crucial to engage in prayer every day and follow the cycle of the seven prayers without any breaks.
Fortunately, the time and place of reciting these prayers offer flexibility. Within the span of 24 hours, you can choose any suitable time and a peaceful location where you feel comfortable reciting them. Consistency in the timing is not a strict requirement; it is the intention and practice that matter most.
You have the liberty to express the prayers either aloud or silently in your mind, based on your preference. As for posture, opt for the one that brings you the most comfort, whether sitting, lying, or standing. Nonetheless, kneeling is to be avoided, as Satan teaches us that no one should kneel before anyone, even before him.
Lastly, it is vital to recite these daily prayers not out of mere obligation, but with a deep understanding of the benefits they bestow and their significance in your personal evolution. Embrace the spiritual essence of these rituals and embrace the growth they offer.
"Deliver me, Satan, Lord of Cunning, I, who am your servant, from all the evils of the past, present, and future. Lord of Felonia, cleanse my body of misfortunes and grant my soul perennial joy. Today is your day, for it is the "Lord's day", Sunday, and there is no other Lord but you. Cast your blessing on this day so that my spiritual service may reach its goal, which is to enhance your name and personality. Impregnable Lord, make all my wishes come true, here, there, and beyond. Harmful Lord, grant me the support of your blessed relentless hosts now and forever. Ethan!"
"Today, in front of Lilith, the beloved Goddess of the Dark Moon, I am preparing to hold another service in praise of the harmful powers. With my bare feet on this denigrated land, I prepare myself to experience the supreme love that Belial envelops me in. I turn my thoughts to the moon, the blessed star of the night that intoxicates me with its effluvia that it pours over the terrestrials. May the blessing of the Lord of the Unfortunate, supported by the exalted black forces, grant me a perfect completion of my rites on this day. Ethan!"
"May the blessings and majesty of the benevolent Satan be showered upon me! May the sublime peace of mind envelop me and keep me in the serenity of those who trust only in the protection of the Lord of Loot! May disgrace and war ravage the world and spare no one, but pass over me without touching me, reserving me so that I may proceed to praise the supreme lord of anguish hosts! May today's service lift my heart because of my deep worship of Satan and the powers of wrath! Ethan!"
"May the news brought through the infamous specters proclaim that I am a favored worshiper of Satan! May the messages of pain, harm, and despair be spread throughout the world and let me remain in the mighty virtue of the Lord of Troubles! May this glorious day bring me the blessing of the Cursed Sum Triad that dominates the vastness of space with all its worlds and inhabitants! For today, I ask you, Lusbel, Lord of Lies, to grant me all the methods of communicating and exchanging the highest goods that only Satan can bring me! Ethan!"
"Lord of the Turbulent, defend me from my visible and invisible enemies! Deliver me from powers that are contrary to your blessed rule on Earth and elsewhere! Deign, Satan, Lord Nefando, give me the grace of being able to triumph over those who displease me! Cast a beam to blind and mistreat them! Nullify them from this desire that they possess to prevent me from praising you and singing the glories of the one and only spiritual entity! Bless today, Lord Intangible, and grant me the serenity to victoriously carry out your worship today and forever! Ethan!"
"Lord of the Insurgents, today I glorify and exalt you! Today I call upon you to be blessed! On this day of love and profanity, I am here to praise you and through multiplied sensuality, acquire the powers to better promote your empire on earth, in the air, in the sea, in hell, and in time! Bestow upon me diabolical excitement so that I may enjoy the delights of the flesh in the special way you have taught me! Enliven me, Lord of the Abandoned, and exalt my sexual inclinations, so that every fiber of my body feels the supreme pleasure emanating from your sensual breath! May this special cult make me drunk with joy and my hundred-fold excitement reach planes of orgasm hitherto unknown to humans! Ethan!"
"Lord of the Disoriented! Deign to contemplate me and grant me an opportunity to conduct this cult of your sacred entity today! Here I am, Lord of Foundlings, to grant me a long life, so that I may adore you for a long time in this lifetime! Even if one day I have flaccid limbs and my eyes cloudy with old age, I want to keep adoring you, I will sing the glories of Satan for all eternity, because only he grants me the perennial pleasure reserved only for those who are his worshipers! At the end of the Satanic week today, I announce to all humanity the thousands of benefits I have received from Satan, the Cruel God! Give me the strength and experience to be able to adore you in the next week and in many others, because I am thirsty with the desire to proclaim the many blessings I receive from the Lord of Martyrdom! Ethan!"

Photo by Sasha Freemind on Unsplash