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To those who visit our website with the intention of copying our content and presenting it elsewhere as their own, I want to address a couple of points regarding your actions. Firstly, it becomes apparent that your depth of knowledge is lacking. Secondly, your deficiency in displaying integrity is undeniable. It's evident that you have never been, nor will you ever be, an authentic Satanist, as true Satanism embodies genuineness.

We hold no objections to the sharing and propagation of our content. Reproduction, either in full or in part, through any medium or method, is permitted as long as the original form is preserved and proper attribution, including the source and website link, is provided. Our primary intention is to precisely disseminate Satan's teachings, wisdom, and message to all. Our concern arises only when individuals act in bad faith, plagiarizing Real Satanism's teachings without acknowledging the source, attempting to pass them off as their own. We also take issue with those who audaciously copy and sign their name below, wrongfully claiming ownership of what is not rightfully theirs. While the teachings originate from Satan, they are conveyed through our doctrine, which involves dedicated and sincere effort on our part. It's only fair that you extend the basic courtesy of giving due credit.

We emphasize that anyone is welcome to share our posts; our only request is that you exhibit the honesty to attribute authorship appropriately. This matter pertains to justice on various levels: moral, ethical, and legal.

As the age-old saying goes, "You might deceive many for a while, but you can never deceive everyone all the time." Eventually, masks fall, revealing falsehoods and lies, leaving only the truth to prevail in the end.

All content on this site belongs to the domain “”, duly registered in accordance with the Copyright rules. Total or partial reproduction by any means or process is authorized provided that the original form is maintained and that the source and the website link are cited.

The following is not a threat, it is a promise. If you attempt to infringe our legal and/or moral rights, we will come after you and we will not stop coming after you until you cease and desist, and pay in full any and all financial damages to which we are legally entitled.

You have been warned.

Very sincerely,

Agnes Farias & Delcia Farias.

Copyright © 2022 Real Satanism

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