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I was going through a tough time with my failing marriage and family conflicts when I received devastating news—I had liver cancer. I felt incredibly sick, completely alone, and abandoned by my family. In that dark moment, I believed that ending my suffering through suicide was the only option I had.

I turned to alcohol as a means of escape, isolating myself from everyone and everything. I spent my days rushing to an alcohol store, and coming home to drink the night away, every single day without exception. I didn't have the heart to take my own life in a more drastic way, so I decided to slowly drink myself to death. The consequences became evident as my hands began to shake regularly, my appearance grew haggard, and even the people at the store noticed my deteriorating condition. They attempted to reach out and engage in conversation, but I chose to ignore their concerns and continued down this destructive path like a zombie.

I reached a point where my ability to think clearly and express myself coherently had deteriorated. Regular eating became a challenge as I would only manage small amounts when sober. Each night was consumed by uncontrollable tears and anxiety attacks before bed. This prolonged period of struggle lasted far longer than I ever anticipated.

During this difficult time, a friend attempted to bring me back to the church I used to attend. However, I didn't feel welcomed or comfortable there, so I decided to stop going. I also explored the Afro-Brazilian religion of 'Macumba', hoping it might provide some relief, but unfortunately, it didn't bring the solace I sought.

Then, one day while browsing the internet, I watched a video featuring a High Priest named Agnes engaged in a debate. What struck me was his unwavering composure and his ability to respond to challenging questions with remarkable courtesy, firmness, and simplicity. I became intrigued and wanted to learn more. I reached out to him via email, searched for more videos, and my curiosity continued to grow. However, as I waited for a response, I found myself continuing down the path of drinking.

One day, as I was about to begin my usual daily routine, I happened to see an email from High Priest Agnes. It instantly sparked a sense of hope within me, prompting me to respond swiftly. We engaged in a conversation, and eventually, he directed me to his website, which provided me with all the information I needed. It was as if I had finally found what I had been desperately searching for.

For the next four months, I dedicated myself to preparing for the significant step of making the Deal. During this time, I focused on self-improvement and gathering the necessary knowledge and understanding. Finally, the day arrived, and I made the decision to move forward.

In the aftermath of making the Deal, remarkable transformations took place in my life. I was able to break free from the grip of alcohol, restoring my health and well-being. The strained relationships within my family began to heal as we reconciled with one another. Moreover, my cancer is now under control, and the heavy burden of depression and anguish that once consumed me has dissipated.

Today, I stand stronger, braver, happier, and fulfilled. I managed to break free from a toxic marriage and even secured employment at the age of 46, despite the challenging economic crisis in my country. Although I faced numerous struggles along the way, I never felt alone, as Satan was a constant source of support and guidance. I never lacked for anything, and the blessings continued to flow abundantly in my life.

Now, life has become remarkably easy and simple—it's truly incredible. I am filled with a newfound desire to go out, travel, meet new people, and fully embrace living. Happiness has returned to my life, and Satan has played a pivotal role in restoring my joy and zest for life. In the past, I would cry out to the Christian God, but nothing seemed to happen. I mistakenly believed that if He didn't respond, it was because I deserved to suffer. However, I have come to realize that I was mistaken. Today, I have found a God who loves me, defends me, supports me, and consistently strives to provide me with the best that life has to offer. That's all I ever wanted, and I feel incredibly fortunate to have discovered it. I wish for others to have the same opportunity to encounter a God who genuinely cares.

I also would like to share a recent experience involving my daughter's pregnancy. It was a high-risk situation with increasing concerns about complications. In response, I decided to light a candle for Lilith, the Queen of Demons, and asked her to protect my daughter during the delivery. To my amazement, the candle formed a drawing of a pregnant woman. I even discussed this occurrence with High Priest Agnes, who reassured me by saying, "This is a sign that everything will be all right, wait and see." And indeed, everything turned out well—my daughter had a normal delivery without any complications, and her twins are strong and healthy. It's truly amazing how we consistently receive answers from Satan and his hosts. I am immensely grateful to Satan and my Queen Lilith for their unwavering guidance and support throughout this journey.

Hail Satan!

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